Chapter 2 - Y/n Pov

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"Hmm... tonight I'm having a pool party at my house. Would you like to come?" he politely asked.
I widened my eyes and immediately turned to go away again. "Hey what happened?" He gently grabbed my arm. I stopped and slowly turned to face him. Nervously my hand went to pull down my black hoodie in order to cover my thighs.

"I-I am s-sorry, but I can't come" my weak voice said as I looked everywhere but his eyes. He left my arm, that he was holding till now and nodded, making an incomprehensible expression. We both stayed silent. I didn't know what happened to me, but I thought that he deserved an explanation even if he didn't ask.

"Hmm... actually I already have other plans for tonight" I mumbled, trying not to sound fake, because this was actually a lie. I always felt uncomfortable with my body and, the few times people asked me to hang out, I always refused with pointless excuses.

"It's okay" he told me, disappointed. "I should go, my friends are waiting" he said and went back inside the university. I deeply breathed, not realizing that I was holding my breath till now, maybe to make my tummy not look full as it was in reality. If only I could go...

Turning again towards the exit gate, I went to catch the bus, ready to go home after an usual, boring day. Soon I was in the bus, airpods plugged in, a sad song playing in the background, I was staring outside at the chaotic big city. My eyes were stuck on the scenery on the other side of the glass, while my mind was thinking of Jungkook. Many "what if..." were roaming in my not so positive brain.

"What if I could have told him yes? What if I go now? No, you can't. You clearly refused just a few minutes ago. Maybe he will wait for me. No, he won't. Why should I wait for YOU, when the entire college, and, most importantly, many beautiful, slim girls are going to his pool party"

The song ended, and so did my small, daily journey. The bus stopped a few meters before my house. I sighed and got off. The sky was dark blue and many gray clouds were present there. It's going to rain. I again started walking, now thinking of the pool party with the new detail of the rain. I imagined people, whose faces I remembered from college, enjoying themselves in the pool, while rain drops will make even the people outside the pool wet.

My steps halted right in front of my house. My mom opened the door. "How was your day, dear?" She asked me. It was a formality. I have heard this question many times, but the other person never cared to listen to the answer. So, like everyday, I didn't have the time to speak, when my mom ordered me to go change and come downstairs for dinner.

After 15 minutes, I was sitting on the dining table along with my mom. "Y/n I made this salad for you. It has tuna and some drops of olive oil. It's good for your health and it doesn't have many calories" she smiled and handed me a bowl of green vegetables with some pieces of tuna.

I closed my eyes before grabbing the fork to put some of my so-called dinner in my mouth. Trying to eat the salad, with the help of a glass of water, I just wished to have a peaceful dinner for once, but no. My mom had to give her usual speech about my body and weight.

"Y/n, you should lose weight. Look at yourself and look at other girls of your age. They are so beautiful, and you? You should wake up early and go running before going to college, huh? What do you say? Or join a gym, no? Why do you have to look like this? I'm telling you this, because I care for you. Be slim and pretty, it will be easier to get a boyfriend too" she continued eating while speaking.

A tear rolled down on my cheek, but, sadly nobody noticed. I didn't know if I had to hate or love your mother. She always said that she cared for me, but she never understood that she was piercing my heart with her harsh words, she was making it difficult for me to live a life that was already a mess.

I hastily finished dinner, and, after cleaning the kitchen, went to my room. I was craving for something sweet, but in my house, sweets, candies, chocolates weren't allowed. Soon I laid down on my bed, hoping to get some sleep, but my mind was still reminding me of Jungkook's invitation.

They must be having fun. Tears made their way down my cheeks. Why can't I have fun in my life? Till yesterday I was fine, because nobody ever cared for me, nobody ever noticed me. But today Jungkook's invitation made me realize how lonely I was. I compared myself with other girls, with Yuna.

Wanting to have a glimpse of the party, I opened Instagram and immediately regretted it. Many posts of Jungkook with his friends, with Yuna; many stories updating every single thing of the party; someone even went on live to show the huge pool where the party was held.

I stalked every tagged post, every story. My eyes were stuck on two people: Jungkook and Yuna.
The best swimmer of the college, was only in black shorts, displaying his well built chest, abs and biceps. He was smiling, enjoying the party. He wasn't waiting for me. Why am I this fool? Why would he wait for me? Ahaha how did I even think about it?

On the other hand, Yuna was wearing a red bikini set. She was looking gorgeous. Her outfit perfectly hugged her slim body. She was smiling too. I looked at her. A weird feeling rushed inside me. She was looking beautiful, but I didn't want to admit that... I was jealous.
How I wished to be at her place. How I wished to wear a red like that. How I wished to hug and laugh with Jungkook.

I couldn't bear it anymore, so I switched off my phone and went to sleep. Even if I tried to get some rest, but my mind was still stuck in the party. I didn't know I was crying until the back of my hand touched my warm cheek. Why is my life like this?

Time skip: next morning

I entered the long hallway, wearing another hoodie, always XL, but this time gray, not black. Along with that a pair of blue baggy jeans.
Hugging my books, I went to search for the first class, when someone tapped on my shoulder. Jungkook.

"Hi, umm... I'm the boy from yesterday. The pool party, remember?"
Who can forget you? I thought, and just nodded. "You didn't come yesterday" he mumbled, looking directly into my eyes.
"I remember telling you I can't come" I told him, trying to hold eye contact.

"Yeah but I thought that yo-" he couldn't complete his sentence, when Yuna came and hugged him from behind. "Hello bestie" she giggled. Then she noticed me and bowed. "Hi I'm Yuna" she said and moved her hand. I just looked at her. Both of them were staring at you. I was nervous, because I never got this much attention.

Clearing my throat, I said my name and shook her hand. She sweetly smiled at me. After the presentation, she again turned her attention towards Jungkook. "Where are we having lunch? At the college canteen? She asked him.
"If you want, we can go to the new Italian restaurant in front of the college" Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows up and down.

I felt left out, or maybe just the third wheel, so decided to go away. Tightly hugging my books, I sighed and made my way towards the first class, when Yuna called my name.
"Y/n would you like to join us during the lunch break? All our friends are coming" she politely said. Jungkook smiled, hoping to hear my positive answer this time.

What should I say? Should I go? No, you can't. You aren't looking presentable. Look at her floral dress, and look at your outfit. No, you can't go. And she said more friends are coming ... no no no... say no, make an excuse. They will make fun of your weight as it happened in the past. Don't go!

"Yes, I'll come" I finally said, a small smile on my lips, when both of them squealed in happiness. My heart won over my mind this time. Maybe my life is changing...

His Chubby Girl - Jeon Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now