The Nomu assault on Aziawa and Eris

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Eris pov

I used nuclear fists to beat down the enemy with ease while sensei was helping keep them from overwhelming us. I then slid under a villian then smacked them in the back of their neck knocking them out almost instantly using the suprise I burnt 3 villians making them faint from the pain. As I pulled out a rocket launcher as I jumped in the air firing it at a random group of villians in which it hit as I heard screams meaning it was successful target then I smacked one of the villians out then rushed back to Eraserhead. I then pulled out my greek fire in which I launched at the enemy burning a lot of them using me to distract them while buying more time for backup heros to arrive in aiding us in time. I then saw a huge bird monster coming towards us with HRE and French Indochina in it's grasp so I quickly got to sensei by knocking out some monsters to get towards him.

Eris: Sensei this group of villians controls an unknown villian. We have to make sure to check on it's capabilities because this is more than the average villian.

Aziawa: Thank you for notifying me problem child let's make sure to buy as much time as possible okay?

Eris: That was the plan

HRE pov

I slashed at the Nomu as I failed to damage it using my sword while my wings are pinned by the Nomu's hand preventing me from using them. I looked to see French Indochina caught in the Nomu's other hand as we both began to slice the arms distracting it as I got out then fire feathers the face of the Nomu blinding it as we got to Eris and Sensei as the Nomu threw us at them. Luckily for me using my wings and speed I avoided colliding with them then threw French Indochina at the Nomu as we all began to clash with the Nomu using our abilities to overwhelm them if we can.

French Indochina pov

As we fought the Nomu the villians charged at us overwhelming us as I was sent flying away after the Nomu grabbed me while I was focused on fighting 3 villians at once then threw me away. The HRE had attempted to grab me but the Nomu grabbed her right leg pulling her towards the ground as the battlefield grew smaller as I eventually hit the ground as my eyes were filled with black.

Eris pov

As I saw the HRE hit the ground while French Indochina was thrown away I knew the battle was going to be lost in the short term. While I burnt the Nomu's leg it then pulled up the burnt leg then smacked me into the ground as the leg kept me pinned with sensei in the same situations as I am a minute or so later. The HRE is in a different situation as she is held in the right hand of the Nomu which means the battle is now lost for now. Well let's hope that the rest of the crew can aid us in time or we all might lose to this person faster than All Might says Plus Ultra to encourage the people of Japan.

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