Although they were properly married and well familiarized, she still found herself blushing as his lips trailed from her mouth to her neck. She closed her eyes and gave in, allowing his touch to consume her.

Elysia would have loved to remain in bed with Shade all day, but her promise to Queen Lilith prompted some motivation. That, and she was starving.

Beside her, Shade's eyes were closed. It was fascinating, watching him draw closer and closer to actual sleep. With time, she believed he might actually allow himself to go under. For now, she knew he was awake.

She kissed his nose, keeping her face close to his as she whispered, "We have to get up."

His eyes remained closed as he shook his head. "We don't have to do anything. Not today."

"I promised Queen Lilith you would stop and see your father."

Shade grunted at the parental term. He was still rejecting his role as their son. Part of her fought to understand his desire to remain distant. For the most part, however, Elysia couldn't understand why he had no interest in meeting his real father. After all, neither the King nor the Queen had willingly given him up. Destiny had practically forced their hand. They never thought he would be gone for so long, that he would have lived the life he was forced to live.

"Not today, Princess."

Elysia huffed. It seemed he only referred to her as Princess when he was cross with her. What happened to 'my love?'

She stared daggers at him, knowing that despite his eyes being closed, he would feel her intensity.

Sure enough, he opened his eyes. "Don't look at me like that."

"You're being dramatic. He only wants to meet you. Besides, he's ill and probably won't tolerate a long visit."

He drew out a long, defeated breath. "It's not going to go well. I don't know if you've noticed, I'm not much of a conversationalist."

She resisted a smile. No, Shade and chatty were two words never associated with another. When he did choose to speak to others, it was for informational exchange. Purely business, never concerning himself with the feelings of others. Only with Elysia did Shade allow himself to converse freely.

"I'm sure your presence will be sufficient enough. He hasn't seen you since the day you were born."

Again, Shade stared at her, as if debating whether or not he could distract her from the topic as he had before. He scooted closer, his hand trailing the length of her arm, and leaned forward to kiss her.

Before she could be pulled in, she leaned back, slipping from his reach. He frowned, a mischievous look in his eyes, and tried again. She evaded him once more, sliding out from the covers of the bed entirely and standing to her feet.

Embarrassed, she realized she was still undressed, and ran a shy hand through her messy hair. She tried to remain firm, confident, but Shade was devouring her with his eyes, and her legs grew weak.

"I'm going to get dressed," she announced, "and then I won't get undressed again until you pay your father a visit."

"Are you threatening me with chastity?"

She nodded firmly. "Yes, yes I am."

He propped himself up on an elbow and stared at her, as if almost not believing she could follow through.

"Let me get this straight. Your plan is to torture me until I give in?"

She nodded, swiftly grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around herself. Something in Shade's gaze made her dizzy.

The Dragon Bond: Heirs of LyraWhere stories live. Discover now