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Can you come over later today? We need to talk

I'm getting fired today. I'm definitely getting fired today. Why else would Sarah ask me to come over and talk on a random Sunday afternoon? Talk about what?

I've been thinking about the text message since I got it this morning, psyching myself out on what we possibly needed to talk about. Even now as I'm walking up the steps to their door, I can't stop the way my hands slightly shake with nerves as I ring the doorbell.

"Novah! Thank you for coming. Come in, come in!" Sarah ushered me in as soon as she had the door open, wrapping her arms around me loosely in a brief hug.

"Of course, it's no problem at all." I smiled at her. I shook my shoes off by the door, basically muscle memory now from coming here almost everyday for the past 6 months.

I resisted the urge to ask what she wanted to talk about as we made our way through the house. I could hear the sound of Mitch and Elliot playing in the living room getting louder as we approached them.

"Look who's here!" Mitch smiled, shaking Elliot's stomach slightly when I appeared in the entryway. The one year old pushed himself off his dad's chest, running wobbly in my direction with his hands above his head.

"No-ah!" He called out, still unable to properly pronounce the v in my name.

I fell to my knees, with my arms out wide ready to envelope his body close to mine. Elliot had just started walking, taking his first steps a couple weeks ago but it was still so crazy to see him running around all on his own.

"Hey buddy." I grinned. Nothing beats the feeling of Elliot screaming in excitement whenever he sees me. I picked him up off the floor, following behind Sarah as she walked towards the couch.

"Am I in trouble or something?" I chuckled nervously, trying to mask the worry in my voice.

Sarah and Mitch's face mirrored each other, both of them furrowing their eyebrows in confusion.

"What?" Mitch asked. "No. Why would you think that?"

My cheeks heated in embarrassment. "Well Sarah's text said we needed to talk and nobody really ever says that unless it's bad news.. Right?"

Mitch punched Sarah's arm softly. "You said we need to talk?" He shook his head at her.

"What? I didn't use a period! I thought that was a giveaway that it wasn't a bad thing!" She raised her hands up in defense. I felt all the nerves leave my body at the small exchange. So I'm not getting fired.

I guess I didn't need to give them the speech I prepared about how I love working for them and how much Elliot means to me.

Elliot climbed off my lap, settling on the ground in front of a pile of blocks.

"So then what do we need to talk about?" I shifted my body to face the couple on the other side of the couch.

"Well you know Jenny? Our traveling nanny?" Sarah started. I nod. "Well sadly, she accepted a job offer in Washington so she'll no longer be working for us. Since the tour is starting up soon, we're in desperate need for a new one. With rehearsals we really don't have time to interview people and it's just so hard to find people we trust.. Would you consider also being our traveling nanny?" She gave me a hopeful grin.

Logically, I should weigh my options. I should look at what my schedule looks like for the upcoming months. I should think of the pros and cons. Logically, I should tell them I'll think about it and get back to them.

"Of course!" I am not a very logical person.

"Wait, really?" Sarah gasped, not expecting me to agree as fast as I did. She clapped her hands, Elliot perked at the sound and instantly started to mimic Sarah, tapping his fists together.

"Yeah, I would love to. I can't get enough of this sweet boy anyway." I scrunch my nose at Elliot, making him burst in a small fit of giggles. "Do you know the dates we'd be traveling?" I asked.

Mitch nodded his head, pulling out his phone. "As of right now, we won't be traveling until two months from now. We'll give you the whole schedule, concerts, rehearsals, events, everything. Work days for you will look a little different while we're traveling but we'll get into those details at a later date."

My phone buzzed in my hands, Mitch had sent a screenshot of their tour and practice dates.

"There's a few legal things we'll have to sort out. NDA contracts and stuff like that. Again, we'll do those a little closer to the travel date. We can negotiate a pay raise for when we're out of town.. Harry takes care of all of the travel expenses, so the only thing you'll really need to pay for is food and activities if you choose." He shrugs.

Am I hearing this right? Harry takes care of all the travel expenses? I'm going to be getting paid to tour with Harry Styles and his band. I've been working for Mitch and Sarah for the past 6 months but I'd never met Harry or anyone else from the band. Not that I was expecting to, but the idea of traveling with them sounded bizarre. I was happy to work for the Rowlands and never expected any "perks" in terms of Harry.

I nodded my head, letting myself digest every word that came out of his mouth.

"Wow.. Yeah. Okay." That's all I could manage to get out.

"It'll be fun! Touring is always so hectic and we definitely need the help. We try to keep Elliot on the same schedule even when we're traveling so thankfully, you already have all of that memorized. You're a lifesaver, really." Sarah reached over and squeezed my hand in hers.

"Oh, just two more things." Mitch piped back in. "We fully trust you, Novah. 100%. But we understand that it's a bit different to take care of Elliot when you're not here." He gestured his hands in a circle motion, referencing the home. "There will be a lot going on, it's hectic and we'll be around other people most of the time, it's a lot." 

"We just ask that you do what you normally do in terms of taking care of him. Don't get distracted or get caught up in having too much fun. We're paying you to take care of Elliot so we want him to be your first priority." Mitch said.

"Of course, always. Understood." I nodded again. Easy enough. Elliot is always my first priority on the job, nothing would trump him when it comes to my attention. Nothing.

"Second thing might sound a bit... strange." Sarah winced slightly. "We'd prefer if you avoided getting romantically involved with any of the band members and staff, Harry included. We know things can get complicated and messy. I know. It's weird for us to tell you this-"

I shook my head, chuckling under my breath.

"No, it's okay! I get it. I totally get it. Understood." I agreed with a smile, letting her know that she didn't make me uncomfortable. "I really don't think that will be a problem at all." 

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