gracie and charlotte shared grins, "it was tough but she's grown on me."

gracie rolled her eyes and lightly kicked charlotte as she sat next to her.

"so when i saw you two in that bathroom you weren't at each others throats...?"

"pretty much," charlotte sighed. "we're still like forbidden from seeing each other though by our parents."

"well if she's not a shitty person like we thought her years—"

"i'm on speaker."

"oh shit— um hi gracie! uh anyways, shouldn't you just convince them instead of sneaking it around. like seriously you'll just get seen again and again and then boom the internet will reveal it to your parents."

"she's got a point," gracie mumbled

"it's hard, i know," charlotte whined, "it was so much easier when i hated her," she said, smirking at gracie who slapped her arm, mouthing a 'rude.'

"no offence gracie— oh shit sorry charlie i gotta go, someone's doing a speech. text me tomorrow," sadie quickly said before hanging up.

"kinda wanted to know what the 'no offence' was gonna lead to," gracie frowned, laying her head down in her arms on the counter.

charlotte mindlessly twirled her finger around in a strand of gracie's hair, "me too."

gracie blew onto the strand of hair so it floated off charlotte's fingertips with a slight laugh before straightening herself up, taking charlotte by the arm again, which seemed to become a normal for them—charlotte came to recognize gracie's love language was personally touch—, and pulled charlotte with her to the stairs.

"c'mon, i wanna get into sweats i'm freezing."


"chip?" charlotte asked, holding the bag out to gracie, who shook her head.

"m'not hungry," she softly said, pulling her legs up to her chest once seated on the couch. she sipped her coffee and noticed charlotte repeatedly checking her phone. "no post yet?"

"opposite. there's a lot. ooo look someone said we left due to physical altercations."

"so just the usual," gracie laughed. "i've already gotten a text from my dad but i'm not looking, that's a tomorrow problem. in the meantime..." gracie opened netflix on the TV and searched up charlotte's name to open a list of her films in the search.

"no, absolutely not," charlotte said, snatching the remote off gracie.

"c'mon you just went off on me for not seeing girl in pieces."

"that was before i realized i will not let you see me with a shaved head," charlotte replied.

gracie pouted, "please?"

"no. i have a better idea," charlotte said, typing something new into the search. she eventually landed on  mean girls and fell back, close to gracie. "a classic."

"i could see you playing regina george," gracie said, throwing a gray fluffy blanket to share overtop of them.

"i'd rather be janis, or maybe karen she's more iconic to me," charlotte yawned, watching gracie sip on her coffee as she held the mug with both hands, her eyes growing tired.

charlotte popped a chip in her mouth as they fell into the night, not really paying attention to the movie but instead getting into conversations about whatever popped into their heads. gracie ended up talking a little bit about wanting to make her breakup public soon, given how much it's been ripping her apart and she just wants to completely be over it as soon as possible.

charlotte on the other hand was just thinking about how impossible it should be for someone to want to hurt that sweet girl. she knew she would be a better boyfriend to gracie if she was alex. though before she didn't seem like it to charlotte, gracie couldn't hurt a fly and charlotte couldn't help but want to protect her from everything that was hurting her. she noticed how gracie was easy to open up in front of her, but maybe she was like this with everyone, charlotte wasn't sure.

"if anyone harasses you for not being with him anymore, i'll kick their ass," charlotte said, brushing hands with gracie's as she pulled the blanket closer.

"i'd better call alex though to let him know... i'm sure he wants to though anyway so he can be a slut all over the media with hundreds of other girls without getting called out," gracie sighed, throwing her head back into the cushions and shutting her eyes.

"maybe you can be the one getting action instead, right, who says it's gotta be alex, i wouldn't hook up with that dracula looking ass if i was on my death bed. no offence."

gracie laughed tiredly, "none taken. he did look a little like a vampire, i kinda see it now."

"total blood sucker," charlotte yawned, leaning in subconsciously to gracie given her exhaustion and falling deeper into the cushions. she assumed gracie would get up and go sleep in her bedroom soon, so charlotte felt no harm in letting sleep take over herself.

but she'd figure out in the morning she assumed wrong.


happy valentine's day!
i kinda hate this chapter since i had a different idea for it, but i decided to put that in later on, so yay filler!
also to anyone who watches the last of us, how do we mentally prepare for the next episode...


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