"Three and a half hours ago, sir"

"Shit!" The woman glanced back at me in horror. "Okay, thanks" I slumped down the side of the desk, holding my face in my hands, I felt as if all hope was lost.

Georgia -

I had already boarded the second plane, this was my final chance, I was officially leaving the States. "Could all passengers please be seated-" the announcement was made, no going back. As I looked beside me I saw couples, families and people genuinely looking forward to arriving at their destination; I was alone on this one, no matter how much I sulked, there was nothing anyone could do about my situation. "First time going to England?" a husky voice came from the side of me, I angled myself to face the stranger. "No, I'm from England, you?" The man smiled, his body was aged but his eyes had a young story behind them. "This would be my 13th trip" he pulled out his wallet from his jacket pocket, inside was a photograph "I'm going to see my family, my wife" he pointed to the faces in the picture, his face lit up as he told me all about her. "How long are you staying?"

"Oh" the man chortled to himself "Oh this should be my last flight. I've got everything I own packed in my little case. I've said my goodbyes to this land" The man's hands trembled and his hands could barely hold the photograph. "So what's a young lady like you doing on the early flight to England... by herself?" He squinted and inspected me "Wait, wait... don't tell me... You came here in search of love?" his Southern accent was strong and coarse.

"You got me" I laughed to mask the fact that he'd hit a nerve, he'd summed me up. It was obvious how much this meant to me especially when a stranger could diagnose my sadness. "You wan' find out what happens?" the weary, gray stranger leaned in to mumble in my ear as he reached into the same pocket. "Wouldn't you?" I laughed at the idiocy of the question. In his hand was a package wrapped in velvet cloth. "My trusty companion" he hushed. Between the folds of fabric was a deck of cards; tarot cards. They were timeworn, disarrayed and untidy; like the man whom possessed them. The feeble, old hands passed the deck into mine "Shuffle, but make sure you shuffle 'em good" so I did. "Stop!" he placed his hand on mine "Now, pick four cards but have a question in mind. Think wisely" There were multiple questions that I wanted answers to, but a certain one in particular.

I closed my eyes and allowed my subconscious to decide for me. Guardedly, I turned them over and peeked at the four cards in my hand. "The empress, nine of pentacles, two of cups and... the tower..." the stranger's face stilled - he gave no clues.

"It's bad isn't it?" I prepped myself.

"You want the whole thing or just a summary?"

I sucked the air in and mumbled quickly "Just the nice bits" I knew that my behaviour was an over reaction but my reaction to the answer would be worse. "Sweetie, there's nothing to worry about-" My eyes widened before he continued 'Sweetie?' only Zak called me that. "-these are all really good cards. I'll keep it brief" he pulled out one card and pointed at the picture "The tower is the card of surprise, shock, and with the other cards this means a good shock" his eyes softened and to me, he was no longer a stranger; he was like a mentor. "These two cards both symbolize beautiful home and gardens or..." he paused and smiled "The empress-" he continued "-is the card of fertility and growth".

I could sense a hint in there somewhere but among the others, this wasn't my major concern. "Don't look so confused" he patted my knee and beamed with laughter. "And the answer to your question..." he slipped the last card into my palm and spoke softly "First cut is the deepest, don't worry, things are on the up".

This 'answer' could have been very general and for all he knew, I could've been asking about paying bills. He insisted I keep the cards and when I agreed, he turned away to face the window of the plane and fell to sleep.

Deer in the headlights (Zak Bagans story)Where stories live. Discover now