Initiation and team? 

En başından başla

Yang: I

An explosion is heard, and we can see a orange haired girl Riding what appears to be one of the creatures which is killed moments later

Orange haired girl:aw it's broken

A boy with a pink stripe in his hair walks out from behind the creature

Boy with pink stripe: Nora please don't ever do that again.

Girl disappear at from where she was at inhuman speeds
She appears next to one of the pieces


Nora:grabs a rook Haha I'm queen of the castle I'm queen of the castle.

Boy with pink stripe: NORA!

Nora: coming Ren.

???: did that girl just ride in Ursa?

Yang: I

a scorpion comes barging from the forest

???: did Deathstalker just come barging from the forest?

Yang:I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE Can everyone just chill out for two seconds before something crazy happens again?!!

Two seconds pass

Ruby: um Yang ruby points up

We see a white haired girl with a white dress hanging on to a bird creatures talon

White haired girl: how could you leave me!

Ruby: I said jump

Blake: she's gonna fall.

Ruby: she'll be fine.

Ren: she's falling.

(Y/n) does the same thing he did saving Ruby
White hair girl looks up holds

White haired: my hero she says sarcastically

(Y/n) just looks at her and drops her

White haired: ow Hey!

(Y/n) proceeds to walk over to the others

Yang: Great the gangs all here now we can die to together.

Ruby : Not if i can help it

Ruby let's out a battle cry, and charges at the death stalker but is unable to land a critical Blow to which in return she gets knocked back

Ruby: Don't worry totally fine

Ruby shoots the deathstalker and proceeds to try to run to the rest of us

Yang: Ruby! She shouts as she try's to run to her sister

Ruby tries to get out of the area but her cloak is shot by one of the birds feathers immobilizing her

The fell of remnant( Tarnished reader x RWBY)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin