author's note <3

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if you've made it this far THANK YOU omg i can't believe people actually are reading this lollll 

i started writing this for myself bc i couldn't keep track of all the scenarios i was making up in my head (shh) and now have 50k+ reads.... wtf

just wanted to say that i have a new rafe fic (yes i'm obsessed i know) that's wayyy better than this one (imo) and has a much more interesting m/c and storyline (again imo). 

my writing has definitely improved a lot since i began writing this book so i wanted to write another one that was more well planned out and so i did!!

if you want to read it (you should) it's called "The Plan" and it's a slightly angsty fake-dating story but it's less slowburn than this one (but still pretty slowburn i'd say??)

the intro, cast, playlist, and first chapter are all out, and i've already written like all of season 1 so the updates will be daily (hopefully, it'll be consistent though promise)

GO READ IT!!! (please)

don't worry this fic will be my priority when season 3 comes out (AHHH) and updates for s3 will be pretty quick and consistent!!! (i think lol)

get ready for february 23rd...

and read my new fic while you're waiting ;)


𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 - rafe cameron (obx)Where stories live. Discover now