Chapter 7: Apologies

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Kion couldn't believe what he had done. "Ahh! Stupid killer instinct!" Kion growled at himself.

Kion gasped, "Rani!" Kion needed to find her, "But now she's going to see me as a killer." Kion paced back and forth. He sighed. Rani would probably never want to see him again. Kion walked back to the outlands.

Rani and Ananda cried in the tree. "This is my fault!" Ananda screamed. "No, it's Kion's fault," Rani replied through tears. "Why did this have to happen!" Ananda cried. "I don't know," Rani cried into her mother's fur.

"I thought you said Kion was good! You led us into a trap!" Ananda shouted. "But he was!" Rani argued. "If he was, your father wouldn't be dead right now!" Ananda growled.

"But don't you remember! Before Kion saw the zebra he was kind and charming! But after he was savage!" Rani explained.

Ananda realized her daughter was right. "Mom, do you think it was just instinct?" Rani asked. "Possibly."

"I want to go check on him," Rani said. "Are you CRAZY!" Ananda shouted. "Mom, I know it's weird, but I actually like Kion," Rani admitted.

"But he just killed Sahasi!" Ananda growled. "Yeah I know but-" Ananda cut Rani off. "I don't care if it was instinct or not, you aren't going to see him again, EVER!" Ananda growled.

"But mom! He didn't mean to!" Rani argued. Ananda growled. Rani sighed.

Ananda walked out, "I'm going to make the funeral for your father." Rani nodded.

As soon as Ananda was out of sight, Rani ran to the outlands.

Kion walked past the border. "I killed her father. I-I can't believe I did that," He started tearing up.

"Kion?" Kion turned around and saw Rani. "What are you doing here!" Kion shouted. "I came to see you," Rani replied. "But, I acted like a savage! I killed your dad!" Kion sighed.

Rani looked down, "Yeah but, I forgive you." "W-Why!" Kion asked shocked. Rani looked up at him, "Because I like you."

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