Chapter 1: The Warning

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(Rani 15, Rani means, "Queen")

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(Rani 15, Rani means, "Queen")

Rani was about to start patrol, when her dad stopped her. "Rani?" He asked. "Yeah?" Rani turned to him.

"Don't go anywhere near the outlands. There have been reports in the Pridelands, that a pride of lions have been feasting on other lion's. I don't want you getting hurt, or killed," Sahasi explained.

Rani stared in shock. "T-They feast on us!" Sahasi nodded, "They're murderers. Be careful." Rani nodded, shaking.

Rani decided to go on a lone patrol. Even with the warning, she still liked to go alone.

Rani was walking along the edge of the outlands. She looked in to see if there was any danger, but her paw slipped, and she fell in....

Kion and Rani: Darkness In Paradise Where stories live. Discover now