A Cosmic Screw up Leads to Another World-Part 1

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Hikaru Yuki 15 years old.

The last thing she remembered, she was in her bedroom, gaming. Then she heard a loud crash, looked up, and next thing she knew she was in a gigantic white room with what looked like thousands of other people.
A tall man in a white suit and thin rectangle shaped glasses appeared in front of her. He had light short hair that might be light blue or white or blonde, she couldn't really tell.

 He had light short hair that might be light blue or white or blonde, she couldn't really tell

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"So", he said, looking nervous, "I guess you're confused." There was an awkward pause before he continued. "Now let me explain, this was not intentional. My department was given permission to look after the Earth and we were only trying to save human lives." He paused awkwardly again and cleared his throat.

Hikaru interrupted him and said, "So I'm dead yeah?"
He looked startled but replied,"Yes. But, because it was unintentional and everyone here was supposed to live much longer lives we're bringing you back. However, due to the massive devastation in your world, we can't send you back there. It'd cause a panic."
" I'm just guessing", she interrupted again, "But, you said you were 'given permission', so God or whomever is in charge doesn't know about this?"

He sighed and said,"You're very intuitive. No 'he' doesn't know and we're trying to keep it that way." He shifted from one foot to the other clearly getting more and more uneasy about this conversation.
When he moved, Hikaru could have sworn she saw large angel-like wings on his back. Whether it was because they were translucent or because they blended into the decor she couldn't say.
While she was pondering this, the man started talking again. "There were a few large meteors heading for Earth and it seemed like the humans wouldn't be able to deflect all of them. So, we sent smaller meteors to try and knock them out of the way."
He paused a moment, probably expecting Hikaru to interject again. When she remained silent, he continued. "We succeeded in diverting the larger meteors but the missiles the humans sent hit the meteors we sent and they were knocked..ahem.." he went silent.

Hikaru finished what he was saying with her own logical deduction. "The meteors you sent were knocked into the Earth and you realized the humans would have deflected the other meteors without your interference. So, now you're trying to bring back everyone that died before your boss finds out. But, won't 'he' realize what happened when 'he' sees we're not on Earth?" Hikaru ended her monologue with a question and looked quizzically at the man. Or angel she guessed.
The angel sighed and said " 'He' is so busy 'he' only really looks at the numbers. Total alive, dead, young, old, etc."

Looking around, Hikaru noticed a significant number of angels milling about talking to the people. She assumed they were angels. They were dressed the same as the one talking to her, the only ones moving, and the other people here had more normal, less white clothes.
"Hmm?" Said Hikaru. The angel had said something while her mind wondered.
He sighed again. " I said if there is something you want tell me now. As long as it is within reason I should be able to do it for you."
Hikaru looked thoughtful for a few minutes then said, "Well, I'd really like to not be in pain all the time. Ever since I can remember I've been hurting all over and sick a lot. I'd like to live a healthy life."

The angel looked uncomfortable again and Hikaru started to wonder if his face was permanently stuck like that

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The angel looked uncomfortable again and Hikaru started to wonder if his face was permanently stuck like that.
"Well", he said, "that is something that would have been done anyway. With the dangers of the world you're going to being... Different than you're used to, it's the only way to insure that you'd live out your life expectancy. Is there nothing else? Most are asking for wealth and power. Don't you want that?"
"Not really." Was Hikaru's response. "As long as I'm physically fit, I think I'll be fine."

"Alright then. Let's get you on your way." He said, pushing his glasses back up with a finger. "Oh, one more thing. It's kind of a odd request but, could you not pray to 'Him' about this? Like thanks or whatever. You see people give up on their prayers all the time but.." Hikaru decided to put her two cents in one more time. "But, if someone were to say thanks for something 'he' didn't do 'he'd' probably find out about the 'mishap'."
"Indeed. You really are too clever. I'll make a way for you to talk to us directly in case you need anything." And with that last statement, Hikaru's vision went black and when she opened her eyes she was lying in a field.


This took 4 or 5 hours separated over 2 days. I did the writing around midnight after I got off work. I did my best to get the spelling, grammar and punctuation correct (something I'm usually very anal about)

I intended part 1 to finish up about the female protagonist and to introduce the male protagonist in part 2 but it's taking soooo long, I'll just finish the female lead in part 2 and either introduce the male at the end or start a part 3.

The images were taken from the Zedge app and Google search and are really only a vague imagery of what I see in my mind. A kind of place holder.

I realized that some of this seems to be slow and I can't promise there won't be slow parts in the future. Though, I'll do my best to keep it interesting.

Please leave a comment. I'd like to know what you think. I'm open to constructive criticism but please be nice. Insults are not necessary.

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