pay it forward

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I've always loved the Pay it Forward philosophy.Helping others without expecting anything in return.I once picked up a guy from the side of the road. He was walking 15 miles to an airport because it was a Sunday and there wasn't any buses and he couldn't afford a taxi.He was going to miss his flight home to Ireland.I said get in, I'll take you to the airport, even though it was the opposite direction I was going.I just thought that I'd like it if someone did the same for me or my children if we were ever stuck anywhere.When we arrived at the airport he asked me for my name and address so that he could send me some money for the journey.I said no need to do that, just pay it forward. Help someone who needs help without expecting anything in return.You will always get the takers in life, who just take take take. Learn to keep away from these people as they will drain you then move onto their next victim.Has anyone helped you without asking anything in return or have you helped others?I think we should make it an international trend. Who's in?

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