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Growing up we were taught about the goodies and the baddies, the criminals, etc.

On TV, the westerns would always paint the native American Indians and Mexicans as savages, the bad guys, whilst the white cowboys were the goodies.

We were shown about the mafia and horses heads on pillows. (The Godfather)

Time and time again we are shown that certain races, certain skin colours are the baddies.

9/11 made the world angry against Muslims. We now know it was an inside job. But how many millions of innocent men, women and children were killed because of this?

The worst criminals wear suits. They usually belong to 'secret' societies.

They make the rules, the laws, that they use against you time and time again.

They are the bankers, the politicians, the pharmaceutical companies, the energy companies, royals, the Vatican, etc, etc.

These are the major criminals of the world. They destroy everything in their path.

They murder, maim, traffic, pillage, rape, and just take, take, take.

They are destroyers of happiness, of life.

They use the plentiful minions to do their dirty work for them.

This is why it is so important to create a new world and leave these parasites in their squalor.

Remember, they need us a lot more than we need them.

Humanity needs to be united not separated.

Stop falling for the constant divide and rule tactics.

Unfortunately some people that you know just need to have a master to tell them what to do with their lives. Glued to the TV awaiting their next dose of bullshit and listening out for the instructions that they must follow.

When are people going to stop giving these criminals what they want?

They constantly take from you to enrich their own lives.

Time to stand up and say no more. If not for you, then for your children.

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