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Esmè couldn't help but worry what drew wanted. She knew how he had turned up out the blue. She knew he wanted something. But he hadn't told her what. And it was beginning to irritate her.

She knew she hadn't told Tom he was back yet. She didn't want to. She knew all that had happened and one thing Esmè didn't want was her past being brought up. It was too painful.

Tom was worried about her. He had seen how withdrawn she had become lately. He knew it wasn't her. She was always bubbly and outgoing. Not the quiet person she was.

All Tom knew was that he was going do whatever he could to get Esmè to open up. No matter what it took.

Waking that morning, he saw Esmè wasn't in bed. He grabbed his boxers off of the floor and left the bedroom.

He walked downstairs and saw Esmè sitting on the sofa. "You're up early babe. Do you want some food?" He asked.

Esmè shook her head. "I'm not hungry. Thanks though," she said.

"What's going on Es? You're not yourself. I can tell. You're shutting me out. I don't know what's happened. But I'm worried," Tom said as he sat down next to her.

Esmè turned to him and smiled. "I'm just tired. Don't worry. I'm not keeping anything from you. I promise," she told him.

Tom wasn't convinced. But he didn't say anything else. Not wanting to cause an argument with her.

Esmè and Tom went into work. She looked to see him walking off. Grace walked over to her. "Tom text me. What's going on?" She asked.

Esmè frowned. "Text you saying what?"

"That you're not yourself. That you've been shutting him off. And he's noticed how you've changed," Grace said as she looked to her.

Esmè sighed. "I'm honestly fine. Just haven't been sleeping well. Don't worry about me," she said.

Grace nodded and sighed. She wasn't convinced. She knew her sister. And she knew when she was keeping something from her. "Okay. Well you know you can talk to me. I won't ever judge you."

"I know. I'm fine though. I promise."

Esmè was in her classroom. She looked up as the door opened. Drew walked in. She glared. "Get out. You're not supposed to be here."

Drew smiled. "Well that's where you're wrong. I've got permission to be here. I'm the new sports director. Well part time. So I have rights to be here," he said.

Esmè rolled her eyes. "Is this your way of messing with me? You hate schools. So I don't see why you're here. You're here to mess with me," she told him.

Drew shrugged and smiled. "Not everything is about you. I don't see why you think it is."

Esmè was about to speak when Tom walked in. He frowned. "What's going on?" He asked.

"Oh hiya. I'm Drew Michaels. I used to date Esmè here. Until she ruined my life," Drew said as he turned and walked off.

Tom turned to Esmè. "What's he talking about? Ruined his life?" He asked as he closed the door.

Esmè turned away from Tom. But could she open up about the past she was keeping secret from him?

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