Episode 002

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"Maeve would you like to talk" Davide says to me, almost straight after the text, leaving Paige on her own at the beanbags.

"Yeah, sure" I say and he leads me over to the fire-pit.

"How are you?" He asks me, awh shucks

"I'm kinda cold" I say telling the truth, it's a common phrase for me, I don't know why but like I'm like never really sweating hot.

"So who you couple up with?" He asks me, it's like he's speaking his accent, not a language

"Liam" I answer him, pointing over to him discreetly.

"How's that?" He questions again

"Um, yeah okay, it could be better but he's a lovely guy"

"Tell me something about you" he says, am I getting interrogated or something ?

"I model, and I own a business with my twin" I say to him "When was your last relationship?" my turn now bitch

"December"he replies, we sit in silence for moment and he smirks

"I feel like the powers getting to your head a bit" I say to him, a shocked look coming into his face

"No, I don't think so"

"So, what do you like in a girl" I ask him

"Well, like sexy of course, and a nice person" he answers me vaguely, "So, you and Paige at the moment"

"Well, I don't want to be second best, don't like competition" I tell him, sorry but if he can't decide who he wants then, she can have him. We decide to get up and join the rest of the islanders, Liam pulling me away for a chat as soon as my ass hits the sofa, grrrr

"Hi" I smile to him, he smiles back and starts to talk.

"So just tryna find out how your feeling" he says to me

"I think i'm attracted to Davide and we did get on well, but that's it really, like it's still really early days" I answer truthfully.

"So your not set?"

"Well no like it's early days as I said, i'm not set on anybody" I tell him, making sure to state that it's literally the first night "Where's your head at?"

"I do find you crazy attractive and see potential but obviously I respect anything you want to do"

Maeve Beach Hut
Well to be honest like it's David's decision at the end of the day, but as long as i'm honest with Liam about how I feel then that's all I can do

After our chat, it's time to head to bed, I take off my makeup whilst telling the girls about my chat with Davide.

"Like, physically I'm attracted to him, I just need to get to know him more" I tell them

"He's like twenty-seven as-well, so he's going to be wanting to settle down" Amber says to me, almost as if she's trying to scare me off a little bit. I brush it off and go in to clean my teeth before bed. I just have on a pair of knickers and a big black hoodie.

Tasha and I lay in my bed for a bit, and I notice that Davide's bed is beside Liam and I's.

"Tash, look" I say to her, she immediately noticed and we start sniggering like little girls.

"What you two laughing about?" Luca walks in and questions us.

"Oh nothing, bishy" I say to him, his face scrunching at the nickname, he goes to retaliate but decides to leave it and crawls into bed.

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