"Oh my lord! You're crazy! Just like your mother!" She started and the next thing I knew that I was charging towards her to grab her neck. One snap and she won't be able to speak for an eternity. "Y/n!!" My father held my arm. "Leave me!" I exclaimed. "Calm down." He stated but I couldn't. "How dare you call my mother crazy! You fucking wench!" I exclaimed. "Y/n!" My father exclaimed loudly as I shut my mouth. "Apologize!" He exclaimed while I looked down. "Over my dead body." I muttered before storming out of the room.

I walked towards my room and closed the door.

"Was that woman deserved to be called as a mother, y/n?"

My hands were itching and so I did what would've help me calm down. Grabbing the bed sheets in a tight hold I dragged it and threw it away with full force.

"You're causing all of this fuss over your dead mother?"

Emily's voice kept ringing and every word did a work of a deadly poison which only added more to my anger. Because the only thing I was capable of feeling was anger. So much anger. I could see red. I couldn't pay attention to my movements and kept throwing away whatever that came in my hand. My breathing went heavy as I was getting exhausted but I didn't stop. I reached my dressing table and yanked everything off of it before I stared my reflection in the mirror.

"Isn't it pathetic to look at your own reflection in the mirror?"

Her words came to me again.

"Like mother, like daughter."

I glared at my own reflection. Even if I look like her, I'm not her. I could never be her. Not that woman. Never. "I'm not her!!" I yelled out before smashing my fist into the mirror and shattering it into pieces. The blood oozed out from my hands. Both of them but I could care less. I could feel the pain and now that was the scary part because I couldn't feel.

The sudden knock on my door caught my attention. "Y/n,open the door!" It was Liam as I let out a sigh. "What are you doing in there?" He asked as I shut my eyes and took a deep breath before I slowly walked towards the door and twisted the doorknob. The door slide opened as Liam's eyes landed on me. "Thank goodness-" I showed him my hand and stepped back when he was about to hug me. His eyes widened at the blood on my hands. "You're hurt." He muttered as I scoffed with a smile. "Kang y/n... do not get hurt." I muttered before walking past him. "Where are you going?" He questioned. "I need to be alone. Leave me and make sure to take care of your mother because I know my father can't." I muttered before leaving when I reached towards my father's room.

The door was slightly open and just as I expected he was inside his room with his head resting above the headboard of his bed. I left the house without my car and kept wandering around the street with only one thought in my brain.

I'm not like my mother.


Currently we reached Jimin's house as he dragged me inside before untying the scarf around our hand. I still wonder how he managed to drive the bike with his one hand tied to mine. The guy stared at my blood coated hand. "So it indeed is your blood, huh?" He said as I yanked my hand away from his grip. He let out a sigh before holding my arm and dragging me towards the kitchen. "The fuck are you doing? Why don't you stay away?!" I snarled but he didn't response instead, my hands were soon kept under the washbasin of his kitchen. He turned on the water tab as the water washed over my blood.

His eyes were fixed on my wound while mine were fix to him. I couldn't even hiss at the burning sensation on my skin. "What the fuck! You have peices of glasses dig inside your skin, y/n!" He exclaimed as I nodded. "Its just one or two." I stated before slowly removing the glass from the palm of my hand. "You're crazy!" I scoffed at that. "Heard that a lot." I muttered while staring down at my hands. The blood rushed again at the spot where I've removed the glass. "Stay here. Dont move." Jimin muttered before disappearing.

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