Maze Of Mirrors

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A/N: This chapter is based off of the animation shown above. It is not mine, all credits belong to BluJae. Check them out, their stuff is so cool! Anygays, on to the chapter

"Shall we?" Mono held out his hand towards Six
".. sure.." Six took his hand and matter that looked like static formed around the two

Just as they were about to teleport out of the Maw, Simone walked in
"Uh" Simone took a step back, this got Mono and Six's attention a little bit "Sorry, but can I come with you..? The Guests kinda scare me.."
"Fine. Wait, the Guests are here already?" Six turned to Simone
"Yeah" Simone nodded
"Welp" Six grabbed Simone's wrist and all three of them had disappeared in a swirl of static

The three of them found themselves on what felt like tile. Six got up and brushed off any debrie that lay on her kimono, she looked up to see what might've been her worst nightmare. Mono and Simone stood up aswell
"Uh oh" Simone reflected on Six's hatred of mirrors

They were in the middle of a mirror maze
"What? What uh oh?" Mono turned to Simone, who looked at him back and pointed to Six, who was having a mental breakdown and a panic attack at the same time
"Is she okay?" Mono looked over to Six
"Since she's on the verge of breaking one of the mirrors and stabbing herself with the biggest shard, no. No she is definitley not okay" Simone rushed to Six and tried to comfort her the best she could

Mono stepped closer to his former friend, she was hyper-ventilating faster than he thought was possible. She was sitting on the ground, her knees huddled close to her chest and her hands on her head. She was clearly crying, the tears dripping from under her mask. Simone looked distressed aswell, she had no idea how to calm down Six, who was trying hard not to pass out
"Little help here!?" Simone turned to Mono, clearly need much more than a little help

Mono stepped back, unsure of what to do. Simone looked over to him and moved back slowly, Six got up and clentched her fists. She let out a scream as her dark magic shattered every single mirror in a 500 mile radius. Both Simone and Mono were in complete shock. They hadn't expected Six to go crazy and shatter every single mirror

The Aftermathحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن