Shall we?

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A/N: Play the song during the chapter if you want

Six was absolutely silent. This wasn't happening, Mono's dead.. right? She was frozen in place, absolutely petrified. He came for revenge, didn't he?
"What's with you and silence" Mono breaks her train of thought
"S- sorry" Six snaps back to reality "so.. what are you doing here.."
"I need your help" Mono says, straight forward
"With what?" Six asks

"So, let me get this straight. There is a never ending loop going on which involves me and you. You want to stop this loop by finding our past selves, retracing our footsteps from 20 to 30 years ago?" Six asks
"Yeah" Mono rolls his eyes "That's basically what I just said"
"R- right.." Six turns her head towards the door to see Simone peeking in
"Are you gonna come in or are you just gonna stand there?" Six's mood changed from timid to stern when she faced Simone
"Sorry!" Simone stepped in and smoothed out her dress
"So, why were you standing at the door?" Six stood up to face Simone properly, standing a few inches taller than the blonde infront of her
"I o- overheard your conversation and I just wanted to say th- that you can't go with him cause the Chefs told me that the Guests might get out of control again tommorrow" Simone said
"They spoke to you?" Six asked, clearly confused
"Not exactly, they grunted a bunch and I kinda understood it" Simone answered. Six sighed, put her hand to her face and turned to Mono
"Wait here" Six turned to the doorway and grabbed Simone by the wrist, dragging her out of the room

After a few minutes, Six and Simone re-enter the room
"Well, that went smoothly..." Six growled as she let go of Simone's wrist and entered her bedroom, she shut the door and flopped herself onto her bed. Meanwhile, Simone and Mono stood near the broken mannequins and mirror shards
"Is she usually like this?" Mono asks Simone, not looking away from the bedroom door
"From what I've heard and seen, yes" Simone sighed "she scares me a whole lot. Dark magic and stuff"
"Dark magic?" Mono turned to Simone "what do you mean?"
"Miss Six has dark magic, I thought everyone knew?" Simone looked back at the bedroom door, so did Mono

After atleast 30 minutes, Six opened her bedroom door and walked out. She walked to her broken vanity and started brushing her hair, basically ignoring Mono and Simone's presence, who were staring
"What?" Six's eyes shot towards the two without moving her head. Her voice sounding way different from before, it sounded low and threatening

This startled Mono, her voice's change surprised him. Simone, however, was absolutely terrified of the voice Six had used
"Nope, nope, nope, I'm out" Simone nervously smiled and walked out
"She's pretty weird" Mono said after Simone left the room
"Tell me about it.." Six sighed
"So, what did the Chefs say?" Mono turned to Six
"At first, they said I couldn't go. But a bit of bickering later, they relented" Six rolled her eyes at the memory of the little argument
"So, why are you so mad then?" Mono leaned against the wall
"The argument was on a stupid topic" Six said "and you better not smoke in here, it's a nightmare to clean it off the walls"
"Our whole life is a nightmare" Mono rolled his eyes

"So" Mono said suddenly, catching six's attention "Shall we?"

A/N: Sorry for the boring chapter, I guess this is just a filler for the amount of time thr I didn't update

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