Uh oh

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*BANG* there was a really loud bang. Mime, Flaky and I ran into the living room. Mole was on the floor with a pin in his head. "We....where trying to play pin the tail on the donkey and uh...he kinda ran into the wall" Lammy said stairing at him. Blood was everywhere. The next thing I heard where screams. Screams coming from everyone in the room. I look over and I see Flippy. He had a green color of eyes and had eye bags. He started attacking Petunia. He tore her head off then headed to Giggles. He tore open her stomach and grabbed her intestines and choked Cuddles with it. "CUDDLES!" I yell across the room. Flippy looks over at me. I look at him back. He runs over to me and I don't move an inch. "Why are you screaming?" He asked. "Why are your eyes like that?" I asked tilting my head. "Answer my question first. Why. Aren't. You. Screaming." He asked getting closer. I never moved back. "Why would i Flippy?" I asked. "Oh im not Flippy. I'm Fliqpy." Do u pronounce Fliqpy like flippy or fli qu pee? "Well, Fliqpy why would I be screaming? I've seen this stuff before. Doesn't scare me." I say folding my arms. "Hey I have a question for you." He says. "Who do you like better. Me or Flippy?" Huh? Why is he asking this? "I like you both equally. Why would I choose sides?" I ask. "Because he's an ass. I'm better than him." He says. I smile. "Okay. If that's what you think. You know we have stuff kinda in common." I say putting my hand on my hip. "Huh? We have nothing in common."
"Oh yea we do."
"Oh no we dont."
"Acutally we do you just don't know it right now." I say rolling my eyes."Y/n run! What are you doing?!" Mime yelled. "I'm ok! He won't hurt me!" I yell back at him. "Yes he will! Trust me he doesn't care who he's killing! He will just kill you!" He yells. You see Fliqpy running towards him. Mime starts running and Fliqpy throws a knife at him and gets him in the back. He catches up to Mime and shoves it even more into his back and pulls out his heart. "Here." Fliqpy comes over to you with Mime's heart. "Aw thanks. I hope he still wants to be my friend after this." I say holding the heart I my hand. "Do we lose the parts once they regenerate? I want to keep this one." I say holding it to my chest. "Sadly yes they do go away. But I can always get you more!" Fliqpy says smiling. "Aw your so sweet!"

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