"Ten out tens, you even look better in person" he says to Laura, right okay fair enough

"The Irish charm" She smiles at her fellow Irish person, "However Dami, the decision has already been made for you by the public, the public have decided the girl you couple up with is Amber" she took an unnecessarily long pause there.

The two introduce themselves and Laura goes on.

"Girls, please meet Liam" she introduces a brunette lad, with piercing blue eyes. He's cute, abs, nice abs, with such a melting smile.

"As you can see Liam, we already have one couple Amber and Dami but there's something you don't know this year, the choice of who you couple up with isn't yours it's the publics" she informs him.

"Wow okay, that's mad" he laughs, this boy doesn't stop smiling.

"Liam, the girl your coupling up with is Maeve" She says, nodding over at me. Let's go

"Hiya" I say giving him a little hug and a kiss on the cheek I receive back.

"You look stunning" Liam tells me, I tried to look effortless today, dressing in a white stringy bikini and gold strappy heels that make me at-least five four.

"Say hello to Ikenna" hi Ikenna, a tall lad with his hands rubbing together walks in

"This is mad" he comments, Laura goes on to tell him the twist of the public and he ends up coupling up with Indiyah

"Girls this is Andrew" not my type, yet again Laura explains the coupling sitch and he ends up with Tasha.

Laura then introduces in Luca. A wave of tattoos and a bright smile hits me, he is hot.

and obviously he's with Paige.

"That's it, ah yere all gorgeous, so your now going to spend time as couples living together and doing challenges together" She begins to explain with a devilish smirk creeping onto her face "In eight weeks time the public will be voting for their favourite couple and that couple stands to win a 50 thousand pound prize and remember, the path to true love never runs smooth"

She leaves and everyone introduces themselves to each other.

"Hiya" Luca comes up to me and kisses my cheek damn. I skim through the rest of the boys, not being rude but I didn't really mention my name to any of them. The girls split off and the boys do the same.

"I'm happy, i'm not blown away but i'm happy" I immediately say to the girls when they ask what is everyone thinking.

"Is he your type?" one of them asks.

"yeah kind of, like the muscles" I say making way too many hand movements.

"What about you Paige?" Indiyah asks

"Yeah, it's good he's a bit shorter than what I expected but the tattoos make up for it" She says.

We all chat a bit more, gathering from the conversation that Indiyah isn't over the moon but wants to chat him first and see, and Amber fancy's Dami and then we explore.

Liam and I start talking, making general conversation.

"What do you do?" I ask him genuinely curious.

"I've just finished my studies and a masters in strength and conditioning" He states proudly. "Do you know what that is" um yeah ?

"Yes of course I do" I say, obviously him not knowing who I am he doesn't know that I literally live in a household where it's basically a ritual to do strength and conditioning.

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