Bed-"time" ☁️| Kronii⏱ X F!Reader

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Have a Perfect Ouro Kronii pic (not mine)
Requested by H0l0Weeb 
Scenario: [Y/N]'s a Demi-God (Demi-half) who's an honorary council member & apparently stayed up several days streaming because she thought that she couldn't get sick, (At that moment, she knew..she fucked up.) so our beloved time warden helps nurse you back to health.

[Y/N]'s POV:
" head hurts. Not how I wanted to start the morning."'
I groaned out, due to the unpleasant wake up call my head decided to give me.
I got up and got ready for the day, wondering where my Time warden was, I headed downstairs and found a stack of pancakes and some chicken soup waiting on the table.

"Sweet! Pancakes." I exclaimed with pure joy."
"They would be for you if you didn't decide to get sick..oh well." Kronii teased.
"I'm not sick!!" I protested with all the energy I could muster in my body.
Kronii shoved her phone which had my latest tweet saying:
@[L/N] [Y/N]
''Quick announcement guys, just want to announce that I'm not feeling too good so I may sound weird during my collab with BaeRyS."

"Oh...darling, I can explain-"
"No buts, you need to reschedule your collab and rest until your better or I'm kicking you out of the Bunkeronii."
"Aw man..your so lame Kroniicopter."
"GWAK?! Me? Lame? Fine then, I was considering giving you cuddles while you were sleeping but if that's how it is then-"
I panicked at the thought of no cuddles from Kronii.
"Thanks for understanding, if you finish your chicken soup, you can have a pancake." Kronii said as she went upstairs.

I had finally finished downstairs and Kronii was in bed, on her phone.
"Finally, you took so long."
I was taken by surprise and flustered as Kronii put my head on her chest and started singing to me:

I felt very calm after listening to Kronii's singing, I was slowly lulled into slumber as the song felt like something a mom would sing to their child.
"Night, my lovely warden"
"Goodnight (N/N), may your slumber be peaceful and your dreams pleasant."
Kronii wished as she kissed my forehead and I fell asleep.
I will be cross-checking and improving this story till I'm satisfied with end results, ig I can call this a demo-ish version.

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