better way to meet

Start from the beginning

i revved my engine- savouring in the way it purred, a few jealous looks were thrown my way at the sound. i rubbed the dash board for good luck and buckled my seatbelt. i was situated in the middle. very dangerous which wasn't fun but like i said- i had a plan.

the starter signal went on and we careened down the crop path. two cars quickly lined up to my side. getting ready to crush my car between them. i smirked knowingly- just before they went to crush me i slammed on the brakes making them smash to peices whilst i swerved round the side. runner did that exact trick last race, if he saw me i bet he'd either be proud or pissed... probably the latter

then i kept tightly tucked to the side, only switching  to turn corners sharper. i was behind quite a few  cars but catching up.

before i could get too comfortable, my car jolted forward harshly as a truck rammed my rear end. fuck- i sped up as much  as i could- not wanting to use the boost just yet. the truck tailed me like a predator. i weaved in front of one car but it kept stuck to my back. i moved in front of another and now only two cars stood in my way. i moved forward some more- getting in between the ones in the lead. runner to my left and ghostie to my right, throigh my mirror i could just make out pipsqueak grinning maliciously from his truck. so he was chasing me, what an ass. then it dawned on me...

they had boxed me in- only the area in front free. i slammed my hand down on my wheel futilely. it beeped aggressively. they had planned this. oh damn this was bad. but- not impossible to avoid total destruction. i glanced to my side, the red button glowed menacingly next to the gear stick. begging me to press it. i cast a look at runner who looked conflicted. guess he wasn't fully on board with the plan they formulated.

he saw me staring and looked at me. i shot him a smirk- the finish like just ahead- with a sharp breath i smashed the red button. the car coughed for a moment and for a split second i worried my engineering skills had failed me. thrn, it stuttered and a loud boom broke out across the field as my car shot forward and i was plastered to my seat. i left the other three in the dust they all looked dumbfounded. my car shot over the line at an impossible speed, i hurried to slam the breaks. my tires squealed with the effort but finally relented. and i swerved to a stop.

i exited the car on shaky legs. desperately trying to get my breath back- the crowd had fallen silent, a blessing if you ask me. they stared at me with wide eyes. i gave them a half hearted wave before the others pulled in. runner looked gobsmacked and his jaw hung open as he left- he came second. the other two looked livid. maybe i haven't made the best first impression...

i shot them a wary smile and made my way- admittedly slowly- over to the stage. i grabbed the money  and thanked the man. who looked just as shocked as the rest of them.

"well. what a turn of events huh? mischief- the newest member of the racers has come out on top with some speed we have never seen!"

even the man on the speak sounded uneasy.

i stopped caring and left for the barn. i think i need to throw up.

i did. i was wiping my mouth in disgust when footsteps sounded from behind me. my head snapped up.

pipsqueak and  i'm guessing his crew were standing there, seething. maybe they were there to congratulate me?

"heyyy guys!"

i tried backing away.

"i think you have our money mischief"

he spat. i laughed.
"sorry. i earned that fair. not my fault your dumb plan went to shit"

i retaliated. shouldn't have said that. should not have said that. this just angered him further and his gang began to close in.

"shucking hell you are such a little... no actually just shuck off!"

i heard someone yell. pipsqueaks face paled. he quickly resumed his angry stare though.

"hey we were just talking so why don't you fuck off and mind your business."
he snarled.

"oh that's it"
i heard a weirdly familiar british voice say.

the gladers appeared behind them- that was seemingly all it took for the other group to scurry off. hurling insults as they went. i stared up at the gladers i don't think i'm out of the woods just yet.

"uh. thanks"

"don't mention it. seriously."
runner muttered.

"hey minho. he's the one who won right?"
the same british voice asked. runner... who guess is minho turned round.

"newt your having a laugh. now he knows my name"

"bloody hell sorry"

he responded sarcastically. i blinked and stood up, i looked over their shoulders to see the angry guy who had spilt my coffee.

"oh my god. you're the one who bumped onto me"
i exclaimed. wow- what are the chances?

a look of realisation hit him.
"oh coffee shirt!"

he laughed. i shot him what i hoped was an intimidating glare.

"only because you knocked me"
i grumbled.

"right. i don't care. bye. see you in the next race  i guess"
the buzz cut one said.

i half yelled. he turned around.

"can i join your group?"

they laughed loudly.
"no chance in hell"

i gaped. what assholes.

"i just beat your ass and that was my first race- you need me just as much"

clearly that was the wrong thing to say as minho got in my face. i held my ground although i did wanna run.

"we don't need you for anything. the only reason that happened was because of that dumb plan. now shuck off"

i didn't know what that meant but i could put two and two together.

i seethed through gritted teeth. i shoved past them and got back in my car. fuck them.

heyyyyy. tell me opinions pls abs if u enjoyed don't forget to star x

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