Chapter 16:Harmonic convergence

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Korra:I'll try my best

Zaheer:Not so fast,avatar perhaps I can give you a challenge 

Korra:What do you mean?

Zaheer:I together with vaatu will be your end today 


Zaheer:Yes it will be fair a dark avatar and the avatar getting involved in a war

Korra:Don't it will kill You,let's settle this in another way

Zaheer:I don't think so 


Zaheer fuses with vaatu  to form a dark avatar making him to became Zaatu a giant being,korra then remembers that she should always think things through with a clear mind instead,she meditated to connect to the cosmic energy of the universe also becoming a giant,the two giant then wrestle across the city,korra uses purification technique which pacifies and destroys Zaatu.

The energy realised in the process destroyed the framework freeing it's victims


Korra:There was a shift in the planet's due to the celestial event which caused spirit portals to open completely

Asami:Does that mean spirits can come to the world of the living?

Korra:Yes,good morning 


Korra:It's like we never left


Tenzin:Korra,it's odd that this portals opened for good well before we could go in but at a limited time frame

Korra:I opened them unknowingly 

Tenzin:How?I would take a lot to open them

Korra:It a long story

Kuvira:You all ok

Asami:Never been better

Mako:What's up?

Korra:Just as I said long story

(Mako,bolin,opal,Korra and Asami group hug)

Bolin:This is perfect

Lin:We haven't found zaheer it worries me

Korra:Don't worry I took care of that

Tenzin: Can't wait for the day you'll explain everything

Korra :I will soon

Jr.:Why am I light headed? Is it also part of the story?

Korra:Yep,but we have a place to go,Asami come with me


Korra:I know how much sacrifice you made when you chose me over your parents 

Asami:They weren't real that's why,but you'll always be real thank goodness your ok and we're together,it was such a long night

Korra:I wanted you to get what you missed

Asami:What exactly? 

Korra:Your parents love,we can meet them now the portal is open without restrictions besides they should spoil you before our kids are born,How many months are You?

Asami: four month

Korra :Explains why you never found out early your tummy is flat

Asami:So when will we visit them

Korra:Why not today,we have a chance anyway why not take it

Asami:Good idea,can't  wait to see them,that is the real them

Korra:kuvira and Jr are in love but won't admit it unless they are  shy about it

Asami:Who do you know that?

Korra:The fact that he told her about the real reason why he was sent boarding school by your dad feels too deep telling someone 

Asami:That's our next project when we return,Promise me something we'll always stick together in life,Health and death and no leaving me Behind when you die

Korra:Won't it be selfish if I take you with me?

Asami:It would be selfish if you leave me alone and lonely 

Korra:Fine Promise,I love you a lot

Asami:I love you more


Korra and Asami walk through the spirit portal holding hands

                                  THE END

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