Chapter 7:Memories

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(At Sato estate,tenzin arrives and finds asami seated on the verandah looking like she's deep in thought)

Tenzin:How are you,Ms.Sato

Asami:Sorry have you been here too long

Tenzin:Infact I've  just arrived

Asami:Oh ok,you must have come here to talk so let's talk

Tenzin:You know we are all here for you,so if you need anything we are here for you

Asami:Thanks but am fine besides is this really what brought you here,you could have just said it on the phone so what is the real deal

Tenzin:Actually you are right,i came to ask about funeral arrangements,it's been like 2 weeks now so we should let her rest in peace

Asami:(Sobs)I never thought that this will ever happen like she promised if she dies we go together but here i am,i feel so alone without her so empty inside and useless

Tenzin:You are strong and you'll get through this ok

Asami:I just can't  decide on her funeral,just do it yourself ,it just hurts when i think about all this,I'll just cover all expenses and you will handle everything else

Tenzin:If that's what you feel fit with,then it's ok


(Asami picks her's and korra's picture) 

Korra i still remember the day we met,it was at my 18th birthday and my dad thought it would be awesome having the avatar over.The moment i saw you my heart just skipped a beat,which still happens till date.I really got nervous after seeing such beauty,i never thought my 1st and forever love will be the avatar.I remember being so nervous that i accidentally poured a drink on you,i even forgot my name and said am Salami.Well you understood my problem and helped me calm down,that act made me love you more for being so kind.Without realising it we became friends and soon we started hanging out,we even worked together in team avatar.Those were the best times I've ever experienced.To tell you the truth i always got jealous seeing you hanging out with kuvira,i always thought you were seeing each other that's why i would sabotage your private meetings,well i never told you this but what can i say,love makes us crazy.I was relieved when i realized that your private meetings were to discuss about her guarding and protecting the new airbenders and that you only saw each other as friends.

I remember my loneliness when you went away,i know you were healing but i was just so alone.I always wanted to write you about my feeling but i was afraid if you didn't feel the same then you would have never come back,i saw it best to keep my feelings to myself coz it's better to have you close and view me as a friend than you hating me and avoiding me.

I also enjoyed our 1st date which we had at the spirit world although it was at a short period of time it was the best,sometimes i feel like going in and looking for you the only problem is,i wouldn't know where to start,time in there is limited and it's a messed up and confusing place to go especially that i may end up harming our kids and that would be careless.I just don't know what to do am so confused.

My happiest time was when you come back and confessed your love to me,honestly it came as a surprise but all in all,I've never been so happy.

The day you died,i died internally my heart feels so incomplete and there is this void that you left,i do know that i will never forget or replace you because am forever yours.

How will i pull myself together at your funeral,i just can't bear letting you go,i know burying you will let you rest in peace but it just hurts too much,the truth is that am pulling through because of our kids they are all I've been left of you,else i would have joined you in the spirit world,in death.

When will we unite?I hope it'll be soon.Just come back,i need you.

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