I've Always Got You (Maya)

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Requested by @Yeetusfeetus_marvel

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Y/N decided to take her motorcycle out for a spin up the country lanes. She knew it was dangerous with all of the twists and blind sharp turns but she didn't care. She just wanted no, she needed to feel that rush that makes you feel alive. Especially when she feels dead inside.

She reached 120mph, enjoying the speed. The trees and bushes coming in and out of visual just as fast. It became a thing she would do whenever she felt numb. Like she felt out of place. Yes she ran into burning buildings for a living. But this is something loved to do. Especially when she wanted to be alone.

So this route she had went down what seems like a million times. Maybe a kind of an exageration. She had also took a few personal days from work. Not feeling right mentally. She comes here the same time every day because there is never another car in sight.

Except today, as she turned on a blind corner, a car was coming in the other direction, she didn't have enough time before she lost control and went flying from the bike. Body sliding along the gravel. The fabric of her clothes shredding at the speed she was going. Her bike long gone.

"Fuck!" She groaned when she was still, her body felt like it was on fire.

"Hey, are you ok?" The other driver asked. "I've got 911 on the phone. They're on their way."

Y/N groaned as she just looked up at the sky, not noticing the bone sticking out from her leg. She watched as the clouds floated by.

"Hey, we're here to help. Can you tell us your name." She recognised Andy's voice.

"Y/N." She told her. Andy froze recognising their voice. She looked at Maya who was on the aid car with her.

"Y/N. We're going to get you help ok." Maya told her. She wanted to know what happened. She wanted to get to the bottom of it.

"There is a lot of road rash." Andy said as they moved her to slide the back board under her. Y/N screaming out in pain. Maya removed the helmet to put the neck brace on. "And we have a compound fracture."

"What did you do Y/N?" Maya asked her. Y/N just looked at her with lifeless eyes. The adrenaline had worn off. The happy feeling washed away. All it took was one look of disappointment from Maya.

"She was speeding and it was a blind corner." The other driver rambled on. They stood behind the two as they lifted Y/N's injured form onto the gurney.

"We are going to talk about this." Maya told her as they got her into the back of the aid car.

The drive to the hospital was silent. Maya was upset with Y/N. They have been together for almost 6 months and now she knows there are things she doesn't know about Y/N. Especially when Y/N knows everything about her. Even the ugly parts. She knows and never judged.

"I'll uh go back to the station. You should stay here." Andy told her softly as the two watched as the doctors worked on Y/N.

"Thank you." She whispered as she have Andy a thankful smile. Maya remained with her eyes trained on Y/N. The doctors doing their best to repair the damage caused by the accident.

She waited for hours when they went up to surgery with her. They needed to put pins in her leg to help the bone heal. Maya never left the hospital. She never changed from her uniform either.

"Y/N is going to be just fine." Dr Grey told her. She kind of zoned out of everything she had said previously. "She will be awake shortly."

Maya thanked her and walked inside Y/N's room. She stood at the foot of her bed, just watching over her like a hawk. She didn't know how long she stood there for when Y/N opened her eyes. Y/N smiled at her before Maya shook her head.

"What has gotten into you?" She asked Y/N who just looked at her.

"Why are you yelling." Y/N groaned as Maya chuckled himourlessly.

"I want to know why you would do this Y/N. The other driver told us you were speeding and where they found your bike. The distance between the bike and you tells me you were going extremely fast." She yelled. "So tell me why? Why would you put yourself at risk like that?"

"Because it makes me feel alive ok. You don't know what it's like to feel dead inside." Y/N told her angrily. "So yeah, every chance I get, I take my bike to that same route and drive 120mph or faster if I am confident enough. It makes me feel alive. Happy even."

"What?" Maya whispered.

"It helps me. It takes whatever shit in my mind that makes me feel nothing. Numb, and I feel happy. I feel safe." Y/N told her before she cut her off.

"You feel safe." Maya scoffed. "You almost died Y/N. There is nothing safe about that."

"I have been doing that since I could drive!" Y/N yelled. "For years nothing ever happened. Nothing. But the first time my best friend done it when we were in high school. He died." Y/N sighed. "He died and everytime I do it. Nothing ever happens. Other than the adrenaline coursing through my veins. The one thing that makes me feel alive."

"So you want to kill yourself." Maya stated as she paced the room.

"NO. I want to know why it took one time for Jake to die and I have done this for over a decade and when something actually happens, I get a graze and a fracture. Nothing more." Y/N told her. "So please enligten me?"

"Y/N, I understand that that must have been hard but." Maya sighed as she approached the bed and held her hand. "You can't keep doing this to yourself. You have a life."

"No." Y/N snatched her hand away.

"Yes you do. You have a life Y/N. You have me." Maya spoke with tears in her eyes. "I am here. I am alive so please let me help you. We can get through this together."

Y/N just looked away from her. The tears silently falling from her eyes.

"I love you Y/N and I am not going anywhere." Maya spoke softly. Y/N turned to face her with a smile growing on her face.

"I love you Maya. So freaking much." Y/N told her. Maya leaned down to kiss her tenderly before cupping her cheek. Gazing into her eyes.

"I've got you Y/N. I've always got you." She whispered before kissing her again. The fright of losing Y/N now dissapated.


My first Maya one shot. Please let me know what you think.

Greys Anatomy/Station 19 One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz