But I quickly looked back at Noah. He had a similiar body to Evan, but had dark blonde hair and blue eyes. If I am being honest, he looked a lot nicer than Evan.

"Hey, I'm Camille", I said as he looked up to me. "You must be Noah."

"Yup, thats me", he nodded with maybe a tiny little smile on his face.

"Well...nice to meet you", I said, slightly uncomfortable, since he had looked away again.

Why are these guys so awkward?!

"Okay, have you eaten yet?", Rebecca asked from behind me and I just shook my head because I had actually totally forgotten.

"Great, because then we can eat together", she said happily and walked over to the kitchen where Evan was still standing, still not looking over to me.

"I thought you dont do that here", I mumbled while glaring at Evan who was now looking at me for the first time today. His greenish eyes narrowed on me and for a second I could see his left eye twiching, whatever that meant...

Was he angry? Honestly, never mind.

"Do what?"; Rebecca asked confused.

"Eat together", I simply stated and once again eyed Evan who happened to still just glare at me.

Seriously, what is wrong with him?! I mean okay, I wasnt the nicest and friendliest to him yesterday but he wasnt either. So whats his problem?!

So I decided to just glare back at him. I stared right into his eyes. Maybe I was being stubborn, but I didnt want to look weak by breaking eyecontact.

Evan slowly blinked. So so slowly. And before I knew what was happening he just grabbed his coffee and walked away.

"Dude...", I mumbled so he could still hear it before he closed his bedroom door.

Rebecca just shrugged awkwardly and turned around again. "We have waffles. Do you wanna eat waffles?"

"Sounds good", I nodded and helped her preparing everything.

A few moments later we were both sitting at the kitchen block and were eating our breakfast.

"When is your first day at uni?", Rebecca asked.

"Next monday", I sighted. "I'm a bit nervous. Is there anything important i should know?"

"Uh no", she smiled. "Of course its a bit scary to walk in there for the first time. But trust me, its chill."

"Alright", I sighted releaved. "I'm just always worrying too much. But It'll be fine..."

"It will", she nodded.

But then Evans door suddenly opened again and he walked over to where we were sitting without saying anything. He now had pulled on a grey hoodie and white socks.

Next he suddenly layed his arms around Rebecca from behind and hugged her. I didnt even know that he was capable of something like that. Well, to give him credit, I dont even know him more than a day.

All I know is that he is ignoring me. But why? Its not like I did something horrible or anything. Stupid asshole.

I dont even know why it is making me feel so angry. Am I jealous?! Seriously, Camille? God...

Its just been a long time that I've had someone that gave me a hug...so a hug wouldve been nice. But well.

"Becks?", he then asked so softly, that I might have choked if I wouldnt have had the strenght to ignore this weird feeling in my chest. "Have you started packing already?"

Becks?! And why would she need to pack?

"I'll start today", she sighted and leaned into him. "I'm gonna miss you and Noah."

"Why are you leaving?", I asked surprised.

"Oh, I only spent one semester in Spain. I'm going back to the States in four days, you know...", she explained.

Somehow these news felt very dissapointing... Not only did I like her very much already, but it also means that I have to live here on my own with Noah and Evan. Great...

I dont really know Noah but I already know that I dont like Evan.

I just thought Rebecca and I could be something like friends. It wouldve made the first weeks in this new country a lot easier.

But I guess I have to deal with everything on my own for now...

"Ohh...", I just mumbled and tried to not look too disappointed. "Is anyone else moving in here then?"

"Nope. I think for now it will just stay this way", Rebecca said. She was answering for Evan since she probably noticed that he wouldnt answer shit.

Evan pulled away from her again and sat down on the chair standing right across the kitchen block from me.

He didnt even glance at me. Idiot.

Next he just pulled out his phone and started scrolling through it. He was still not even looking at me which made me very upset. But why did it make me upset? I shouldnt even care...

I dont even know why it botheres me so much but I guess I just dont like being ignored. Apperently especially not by him.

"Is that how you treat the new one's?", I blurted out and just glared at him.

I know I shouldnt have said anything. This was litterely my first day...

But Evan didnt even look up to me. If he was surprised about what I've said, he sure as hell didnt show it.

"What did I do that you have to act like that?!", I asked and my voice got a little louder.

"I said no crying, Millie", he then just sighted, still not looking up from his phone.

"Don't fucking call me that! What's wrong with you?!"

"I think this girl has an attitude problem", he said to Rebecca without showing any emotions, so calm that it was driving me crazy.

His eyes remained on mine. He blinked. He blinked again.

It made me even angrier to see that Evan seemed to simply not give a fuck at all.

I tilted my head back so i could look up to the celing. The frustration kicking in.

Patience. God give me patience. Please.

I let out a deep breath and tried to calm down. I wasnt going to throw a fit. I fucking wasnt.


"Guys stop", Rebecca sighted. "And Evan, stop being a pain in the ass."

"I dont think I am the problem here", he said to Rebecca but was looking straight at me to make clear that he was referring to me, his eyes doing that twitching thing again. Man he was angry...

Fucking asshole...


Rebecca and I had spent the whole afternoon at the mall to buy decorations and other stuff that I still needed.

We had a lot of fun and it felt good to finally do something with someone my age again. At home i was mostly alone. I didnt have any friends. It was hard.

Right now I was just listening to some music while setting up another dresser and placing some candles and some other decorations on it. I also installed some fairy lights over my bed to make it more cozy.

I've always wanted to do that. My mom used to always tell me it was childish and stupid.

We've also bought a bunch of pillows and blankets for my bed so it was cozy and comfy to sleep in.

To be so busy decorating my room almost made me forget about my anger at Evan.

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