"I'd still like to know what you were thinking." "and if like to know why your withholding information." from the corner of my eye I could see Grandpa's hands tighten. "I don't know what your talking about." he said but I could see him sweating. "Sure you don't." I stood up and went to the back and closed the curtains.

"Hey Bleep, did the family get out ok?" Bleep rolled over and a blue screen appeared from his eye. It was a video message, "Thank you for saving us." the kid said and my lips curved into a smile. "They were very grateful." Bleep said and I nodded. "Any damages to you?" I picked Bleep up to examine him. "Only slight damage to my processing unit." Bleep said, that was nothing I couldn't handle. "Don't worry buddy ill get you fixed up." I said and materialized a screw driver.

Within a few short minutes, and the assistance of a screw driver, mini laser, and some programming, I had Bleep fixed. "How do you feel?" I asked and Bleep rolled around "I feel wonderful!" he cheered. "Now, since you fixed me, how about I fix that tear in your skirt?" Bleep said, I quickly looked down and the was in fact a tear in my skirt. I sighed and pulled up my inventory, I materialized a pair of brown shorts and changed before giving Bleep my skirt.

"Jen, we are at the Mega mart." Gwen pomed her head through the curtain. "Alright." I got up and followed my cousin and Grandpa into the store. "Alright girls, you two can go pick out a few things you like, once you do come and find me, but stay together." he said and handed us a cart, me and Gwen nodded and separated from out grandpa.

"Okay, lets be smart about this." I said and grabbed Gwen's hand to pull her along. I drug Gwen into the frozen section and pointed to the four pack frozen pizzas. "Smart." "Naturally." I said and me and Gwen each grabbed two boxes. Me and Gwen then grabbed various packs of sandwich stuff for a good deal and two loafs of bread. Next we grabbed toaster waffles, sausage biscuits, and two boxes of the twelve pack chips. "Okay, this should do us good for a while." Gwen nodded and we went to find grandpa.

Gwen pov

I pushed the cart and Jen trailed along beside me. I occasionally glanced at Jen from the corner of my eye, and she looked really bitter. "Are you okay?" I asked, Jen looked at me and shook her head "Don't worry about it." she said. I frowned but didn't voice my current thought and kept pushing the cart.

Me and Jen walked into the electronics still searching for Grandpa. "Wow, a gold sumo slammers card." I heard Jen say. I turned just in time to see Jen move to the display, I swear she had stars in her eyes. I moved closer and looked at the display, "What is so special about that card?" I asked, "It is really rare and really valuable if you have the whole set." Jen said.

Jen went on explaining and I actually listened for once. 'She is such a nerd.' I thought and the ground began to shake. "Earthquake!" Jen quickly pushed me to the ground and crouched beside me. Jen put her arms around me and placed her hands flat on the ground, everything was still shaking, but we barely moved.

I was about to ask Jen what she did, but then a giant frog broke through the wall. "Go to grandpa." I heard a faint beep and Jen stood up. "Jen?" I asked, "I'll be fine, go to grandpa, money says he's in the pet department." Jen said, and I nodded.

Leaving the cart behind I made a mad dash to the pet department. I could hear the fighting In the distance, things breaking people screaming, and it made me worry. "Oh man, this is a weird summer." I said and soon found Grandpa, he was indeed in the pet department. "Grandpa, Grandpa, giant frog." I panted out. I could feel the confused gaze, but Jen entered the scene just in time. Ok, I say entered, but in all reality she crashed into one of the shelves.

"Jen!" me and Grandpa said and ran to Jen. "You put up a decent fight my dear." someone said. I looked and on the back of the frog was a man, "Gwen, Grandpa, say hello to Dr. Animo." Jen said and stood to her feet. The mad doctor smirked and looked at the various animals, "Come my pets, rise to your full potential!" he said and Jen grabbed me and Grandpa.

Animo fired some strange laser at a hamster and a bird, and the began to mutate. Me and Grandpa screamed as Jen drug us along, "Stay here." Jen said and pushed me and Grandpa into another aisle. I was about to protest, but a spear materialized in Jen's hand and she was gone.

I peeked out from the corner, and Jen had some moves. Jen was fight the frog and the hamster with the spear, I never knew she could fight. I watched as Jen hit the hamster and scared it into an aisle, then she tracked the frog and it knocked the shelves over trapping itself and the hamster. "Alright!" Grandpa cheered and Jen turned and smiled at us.

"No, I won't be denied my place in history!" Animo jumped onto the bird, but Jen decided to tag along. Jen materialized a grappling hook and aimed for the bird, the cord wrapped around it's leg and they were off. "Jen!" Grandpa picked me up and ran out of the store and to the RV where we were greeted by Bleep. "Hello Max, Gwen, I have already started tracking Jen." he said and showed us a map with a moving red dot.

"She has a tracking chip?" I asked and sat in the passenger seat. 'Yes, it it in the blue cord around her wrist." Bleep said, Grandpa then started the RV and sped off. "Cool, and do you know what's up with the new gloves?" "Gwen, can we please focus on finding your cousin?" I quickly nodded and looked out the window. 'What is his deal, we have a tracking chip on her we know where she is." I thought.


Jen pov

The bird landed and I quickly ducked behind a sculpture. I looked up and spotted a security camera 'perfect' I thought. I pointed my finger at the camera and shot a blue beam at it, then I had access to the entire security system. I used the cameras to spy on Animo and help me hide from him.

I followed Animo all the way to the B.C exhibits and watched him. Animo was fiddling with his helmet, but he suddenly stopped, "You are a very persistent girl, I hate it." Animo turned around, he then became confused. I smirked to myself, Animo wasn't gonna find me unless he got some smarts and looked up. Quick explanation, the gloves I'm wearing I designed with three purposes, one of these purposes was to help my hide. I could touch anything and the gloves would magnetize to it, it didn't matter what it was, so long story short I was on the ceiling.

"Maybe I am mad." Animo said, he then shrugged and turned to a mammoth statue. "Ah well, mad, not mad, doesn't matter." Animo said, he then messed with his helmet and I knew something bad was gonna happen. "Now's as good a time as any." I said and demagnetized from the ceiling. "Heads up Animo!" I landed on Animo's back and placed both my hands on his helmet.

"Agh, let go of me you brat!" Animo yelled and threw me off. I slide and backflipped before landing like a cat. "I guess I'm not mad." Animo said and glared at me. "Hmph, your about to be." I said and pulled up my screen. "Nice blue prints, very neat, very easy to take over." I said. Animo looked shocked, "How did you-" Ha, he couldn't even finish his sentence.

"I built my gloves with three purposes. One helped me hide from you, the seconed scanned your helmet, gave me the blue prints, and the power to infect it with a virus." I smiled and pressed a button on my screen. Before Animo could even blink his helmet began to short circuit. "NOOOOO!!" Animo screamed before collapsing to the ground. I called the virus back then removed the helmet, I set it aside and restrained Animo.

I then looked at the helmet, I shrugged with a smile and digitized the helmet. I created a new section in my inventory and titled it souvenirs. I smiled and left the museum just as Grandpa pulled up in the RV. "I'm gonna assume Animo is taken care of?" Grandpa asked and I nodded. "Just call the police to come get him." I said and decided to turn in, I was exhausted.

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