Welcome To The Stage, Hitori Gotoh... Too Long. How About Bocchi Instead?

Start from the beginning

Girl: He'll be the first one! I'll simply tell him I'm not in a band. That'll end the conversation! This can be my one social interaction for the day. 

She takes a deep breath.

Girl: "I-I NOt a PArt of..." I can't!

Y/n: "I'm sorry, did I catch you at a bad time?"

His concerned expression reaches the girl through her anti-socialness. 

Girl: Is this what all people are like?

Y/n: "I'm deeply sorry for troubling you."

He stands up and bows lightly to the girl.

Y/n: "My apologies for assuming." I should leave her alone. I've caused enough problems for today. For a lifetime, even.

He turns around and looks over to the bench nearby. 

Y/n: I'll sit over there so I don't disturb her any further. I still have reflecting to do.

Before he takes a step he's caught off guard by a clear voice.

Girl: *She takes a deep breath* "I-I'm not in a b-band." Without him looking at him, I feel slightly better.

She tries to look over at Y/n. His curious expression catches her off-guard. 

Girl: "M-my name... My nA-" I can't! This is too far for one day!

Not being able to handle having a conversation, she explodes into an abstract mess.

Not being able to handle having a conversation, she explodes into an abstract mess

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Y/n: EH?! "Miss?!" Is she alright?!

Girl: But I've already come so far... At least I can say I properly met one person before I died.

The shape with her eyes looks nervously around the park.

Y/n: Is she just shy? Maybe all she needs is a little push. I'll try to support her. But I should make sure I don't sound condescending. "Your name? Since we're meeting for the first time..." *He takes a step forward* "And I did give you mine..." *He takes another small step* "It's only fair I get yours back, right? I can't introduce people to my new friend without a proper name."

Girl: Properly? Friends?! 

She is slowly pieced back together by the wind.

Girl: For the first time... He wants to meet again. Again... He'd be...

After what feels like years to her, she's reformed and bows deeply.

Girl: My first friend.

She attempts to look him in the face. Immediately she can't handle it and stares at the ground.

Girl: "Hi-HiTorI GOToh."

Y/n: "Hitori Gotoh?"

Girl: "ThAt'S my name!"

You Don't Have To Rush Yourself. Let's Take It Easy. (Bocchi The Rock! x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now