| ℱ𝓁𝑜𝓇𝒾𝒹𝒶 |

ابدأ من البداية

"You're all so rude." Sapnap said

"I'm the nicest person here!" Karl announced

"I can confirm." Ranboo answered

"Actually, I'm the nicest person here by default." Quackity commented

"I think you need to find an antonym for that and describe yourself with it." You answered

"What's an antonym?-" Jack asked

"ARE YOU DUMB?" Sapnap exclaimed

"I think we need to send Jack back to school." Ranboo said

"Look at this dumbass." You zoomed in the camera on Jack

"I fucking hate you." Jack laughed

Karl got into the frame after leaning.

"I've noticed that only ten percent of my views aren't subscribed to my chann-" Karl said

"WHY KARL? IT'S NOT THE TIME." Jack shook his head in disappointment

You leaned to the right and Quackity had taken a photo.

"We should totally do a photo shoot when we go to Vid Con." Quackity stated

"That's a pretty good idea." You said

Quackity practically sunk into his seat and put his feet across the car, he began to scroll to twitter so you watched him.

He kept looking back at you to show you something and then proceeded scrolling.

"We're here!" Ranboo cheered

Sapnap began to park the car in a parking lot, a trail could be seen ahead which led into quite the swampy area.

"YEAHHHH!" Quackity exclaimed

You opened the door and hopped out after grabbing your phone and your bag, Sapnap opened the trunk and you grabbed a smaller luggage.

Karl got out and ran to you happily before hugging you.

"Now that we're here, does anyone know where the nearest cell tower is?" Ranboo asked

"I swear to god Ranboo-" Jack said

Sapnap and Quackity grabbed everyone's bags and you zoomed in on Ranboo's puzzled face.

"I had already got us a little camping spot on one of those wooden things." You smiled

You fixed your cap and looked around.

"Imagine we get lost." Ranboo stated

"Just because you said that you're gonna hold my hand." Jack said

You took Quackity's hand and ran towards a wooden platform, it was close to the entrance just incase something happened.

"We brought a tent right?" Sapnap asked

"Why wouldn't we bring a tent?" Ranboo questioned

Karl opened his bag and brought out a tent.

"Now we need to figure out how set it up-" Jack pointed out

"You're all idiots." Sapnap commented

"Editors, make sure to put a photo of Sapnap being a dumbass in the corner." You said

| After The Tent Was Completed |

You, Jack, Ranboo, Quackity, Sapnap and Karl were all in the tent, your phone was up against a metallic water bottle Karl had brought.

Ranboo was sat next to you and so was Sapnap, Quackity was in the corner while Jack and Karl were laying down in the middle.

"Anyone bring a charger?" Jack asked

"You're so stupid. Take mine." You said

You tossed Jack the portable charger and he gave a thumbs up.

"Aren't there like bears here?" Karl questioned

"SORRY?" Quackity exclaimed

"The tent starts shaking and everything's getting ripped-" Ranboo commented

Sapnap yelled quietly before you noticed Quackity getting something out of his bag, a thin blanket that was way to big for the tent.

"You're so prepared." Karl stated

"Do I look prepared for a BEAR?" Quackity said

"No one brought pillows." You laughed whilst face palming

"Use bags or something." Sapnap shrugged

You grabbed your phone as Jack arranged the blanket so that everyone was covered up nicely although a bunch of blankets were piled on top of everyone since it was way too big.

"Everyone say goodnight." You said

"Goodnight!" Quackity exclaimed

"Night!" Karl smiled

"Have a bad dream!" Jack added

"See you in the morning!" Ranboo waved

You turned the camera to face Sapnap and he was faking being asleep.

"He's- he's dead guys don't engage." Karl stated

"I guess we can leave him with the Alligators." You shrugged

You turned the camera towards you and waved before shutting it off.

- Quackity x Reader -حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن