| 𝒟𝓇𝒾𝓋𝒾𝓃𝑔 |

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It was the second day of your break, you and Ranboo had decided to drive around Brighton for a small road trip and sight seeing.

You and him decided to go to Buckingham Palace and get a hotel to spend the night there, going on breaks with Ranboo seemed pretty fun.

"Hour and Forty Minutes until we reach Buckingham Palace." Ranboo informed

Ranboo was in the passenger seat while you were in the drivers seat, you had no idea if Ranboo could drive or not because no one actually brought it up.

"Tommy is gonna be so jealous." Ranboo said

"Imagine we met people from the monarchy, Tommy would move planets." You replied

Ranboo laughed before turning up the music so that it wouldn't be all that awkward during silent moments, "Side To Side By Ariana Ft Nicki Minaj." ( only song I got in mind )

"We should totally make a podcast together." Ranboo stated

"That's the best idea you've had in years." You replied

"I have great ideas! I'm just indecisive!" Ranboo argued

Ranboo's phone began ringing, Dream was FaceTiming him? Dream didn't do that often.

Ranboo put the phone against the windshield and answered.

"Ranboo! Hi! Oh, hi Y/n!" Dream exclaimed

"RANBOO! Y/N!" George shouted from the back

"Hello!" Ranboo answered

"Hi!" You said

"I guess this is my first time FaceTiming you two!" Dream smiled

"YEAHH!" You grinned

"First time in history!" Ranboo added

"Sapnap's been asking to do a collab on something and that you two can get into a call with Quackity, Karl and him to brainstorm one! He couldn't call since someone lost his phone." Dream sighed

"MISPLACED!" Sapnap corrected from the background

"Sounds good!" Ranboo replied

"Patches!" You pointed out

Patches was in the background being cradled by George whilst he looked for Sapnap's phone.

"Patches says hi." Dream laughed 

"The highlight of this FaceTime is Patches." Ranboo declared

You stopped at a red light and noticed it was only twenty more minutes until you got there, Sapnap kept shouting at Dream to stop shit talking him over the phone with you and Ranboo.

"I've gotta go call Karl for him now, by the way, where are you?" Dream asked

"On the way to Buckingham Palace!" Ranboo said

"To go meet the king of course." You announced

"That's... delightful." Dream answered

He hung up the phone so Ranboo took it back and shoved it into  the cup holder, not exactly where a phone should be incase of a car accident but it was effective.

It began to rain heavily, you forgot about that aspect of the journey to Buckingham Palace.

"You wanna just stare at the palace from the hotel?-" Ranboo questioned

"Obviously, we don't even own umbrellas." You said

"Maybe I should get umbrellas." Ranboo shrugged

You saw the hotel in the distance along with Buckingham Palace, London was a pretty nice place and no one could deny it.

You parked the car near the hotel.

"You ready to run Ranboo?" You asked

"Gonna have to change my name to Runboo really soon." Ranboo sighed

He grabbed your phone and his before getting a bunch of other essentials like the suitcase near his legs and then he had opened the door.

You grabbed your car keys and quickly ran out with Ranboo and towards the hotel, the inside seemed pretty nice and warm.

Ranboo swung the door open and let you go inside first before going inside himself.

"Never again." You stated

"This is gonna happen again." Ranboo predicted

He walked up to the receptionist while you held the elevator.

He got the key card and ran into the elevator so you ran in too.

"Oh my god! There's no number thirteen!" You exclaimed

"This hotel isn't haunted! Yeahhh!" Ranboo cheered

"Jackpot!" You exclaimed

You were going to be entering room eighty on the highest floor which would be floor twenty meaning you and Ranboo would get quite the view.

They exited the elevator and waited for you to get out.

You got out of the elevator and began to look around for room eighty.

"Room seventy two, seventy three, seventy four, seventy five, seventy six, seventy seven, seventy eight, seventy nine and eighty!" Ranboo counted

"You must've passed with flying colours in grade three." You commented

"I was a very smart kid." Ranboo said

He opened the door and walked in, a nice room with a balcony along with two beds.

"We need to take a picture on the balcony!" You declared 

"But the rain!" Ranboo pointed out

"Anything for Tommy's jealousy." You stated

Ranboo opened the sliding door and stepped onto the balcony, he put on his mask and glasses before posing with you. Buckingham Palace was in the background although it was a little foggy.

Ranboo took the picture and immediately ran back inside so you followed and closed the door right after.

You looked at his phone and he seemed to post it with the caption being a dot.

"I call taking a shower first!" Ranboo announced

"Fine! Make sure to save hot water for me though!" You said

Ranboo grabbed his clothes and towel before walking into the bathroom.

"This has got to be one of the best hotel bathrooms I've seen." Ranboo stated

You walked into the bathroom, it was pretty big for a hotel bathroom and it had a separate bath and separate shower.

"Woah!" You exclaimed

"I'm taking a bath now, you can take a shower afterwards." Ranboo declared

"Deal!" You smiled

You walked out of the bathroom and closed the door, you were curious on how you and your friends would be collaborating and where.

You saw Ranboo's post and there was Tommy in the comments.

"I HATE YOU BOTH." It read

You smiled before hopping onto your bed which was the closest to the door, Ranboo was the closest to the balcony.

Ranboo seemed to have taken a bath pretty quickly.

"Your turn!" Ranboo smiled

"Okay!" You replied

You got up and opened the door, you saw Ranboo grab his phone and sit down on his bed to check the post and to see if Tommy had saw it.

You got the water started in the shower and set your phone down the farthest away from any water, your phone wasn't exactly water proof and you were overdue for a new one which you'd buy someday. Maybe get it for Christmas since Dream planned to have the smp members over for Christmas which was gonna be awesome.

- Quackity x Reader -Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ