Chapter 6 - Love and Hate

Start from the beginning

"(You did what?!)" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. She repeated herself. "(You did what?)"

"(Nearly killed a clan member for being disrespectful and threatening me with death. Nearly closed the circle and let karma show its existence.)" My father gave me an unwanted answer.

"(All I heard was you contemplating on either cutting his Kuru or throwing him off the base.)"

"(Sounds like a him problem, losing to a weak little human.)" I mimicked his voice. Luckily my father saved you for once and not the other way around. "(He had it coming anyways, always insulting and hitting me.)" Jake again was the first to say something after me.

"(We do not kill members off our own clan. If we disagree with someone we challenge them to a fight and not attack them out of the blue.)" I scoffed.

"(So, you want me to fight you, oh great Toruk Makto? Want me to kill you, father?)" My words were ice-cold, but so were the ones of the Olo'eyktan.

"(No. I am simply using my power of my son to discipline him.)" I laughed.

"(Want to test that theory?)" Our hateful arguing was interrupted by Kiri.

"(That is enough, Firin. Listen to dad for once.)" I glared at her.

"(Fine, I will.)" I stood up, with three pairs of bright eyes locked on me. "(Let me just get my spoils from war.)" I grabbed one rifle and went off. Kiri immediately jumped up, took my hand, and in order turning me around.

"(Firin, do not, and I am being serious, do not do something stupid and put down the weapon.)" Jake had quickly reached us and punched me to the ground, taking the weapon from me.

"(You are not leaving with that. You are not allowed to be near anything dangerous like this at the moment.)" I grabbed my jaw, where he had hit me. Kiri crouched in front of my lying body, hissing and our father to keep him away from me.

"(Do not punch him again!)" My vision unfocused itself and my lack of energy and sleep finally caught up to me. Fuck, I had completely forgotten about that. I was unable to say anything before everything turned dark.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

This continuous noise breached my ears. I groaned and opened my eyes with my vision still being blurry. I propped myself up on my elbows and rubbed my face. Where the fuck was I? How long had I been out for? I sighed and started looking around. I was definitely in the laboratory. Since when were the beds here? I wasn't allowed to ponder that question as I heard a gasp followed by being tackled into the sheets again.

"(You're finally awake! I was so worried something was seriously wrong with you.)" Who else could that voice belong to then:

"(Ugh, Kiri, can you like not tackle me after I just woke up.)" She laughed and rubbed the back of her head. Wait, was she sitting on me?

"(Oh, come on, don't pretend like that hurt, you seem to have no issue with Tuk doing so.)" She was right, it didn't hurt, only surprised.

"(You know, that you are maybe a little bit bigger than Tuk, she is like eight.)" She smiled.

"(At least you can still think.)" She got off of my sheets-covered crotch and pulled me out of bed by my armpits like I myself was eight.

"(Hey! Stop that!)" She dropped me. Only narrowly was I able to not collapse into myself again. "(I just woke up after... how long was I out for?)" Please don't let it be that long.

"(Only the rest of the day and the night.)" I hummed and sat on the side of my bed, the Na'vi girl soon did the same.

"(Did I miss anything?)"

"(Well not really. I brought you here and waited for you to wake up.)" I stayed quiet, looking into the non-existent distance. Kiri decided that after my two questions, she would ask me one. "(But, aren't you still mad at dad? I mean he knocked you out.)" I groaned and let myself fall back onto the sheets. Kiri's eyes followed me.

"(Yeah, you don't have to remind me.)" She chuckled. "(What use does it have to still be mad at him? He won, that's that.)"

"(That's not what the normal Firin would say.)" I gave her a weird look.

"(So, what does the normal Firin say then?)" A laugh came from her before she continued on.

"(The normal Firin would jump up and immediately start looking for a way to get back at him.)" I sat back up and turned my torso in the direction of my sister.

"(You just gave me a stupid idea.)" Kiri only waited for me to continue speaking. I however stood up and started looking for my exopack, leaving the blue-skinned teenager behind. She yelled after me.

"(That's not the answer I wanted!)" Taking my exopack and getting ready to put it on I only yelled back one thing.

"(Seems like a you problem then!)" And I was off. Once I was outside, my feet started moving the rest of my body toward the location I suspected a certain Ikran, I didn't risk Kiri catching me before I was gone. I threw a look over my shoulder, no one seemed to follow me, good, very good. My whistle let a few heads turn in my direction, I heard a few scoffs as well, but that didn't matter since Lu'un had already made his way toward me.

"(Lu'un! Good to see you again.)" We finally met, and I started petting his head and whispering something to him. "(Listen, I am actually not allowed to ride you but, that doesn't matter.)" I jumped on his back, I had put some flying gear on him a while back, so I was able to control his movements even better than before now. Forming the Tsaheylu didn't take long and we took off. The last view for the next few hours of my current home, High Camp, was a glance over my shoulder.

"(You know, Lu'un? Flying is so much faster than walking!)" He only screeched. "(Well good enough.)" My target? Louise. I think she would like a flight on my Ikran with me. Now I just had to find her. This could take a very long time. Who knows where she was right now? Hopefully not inside the city, then I would just get yelled at for nothing. The wind was lashing around us when flying at these speeds. You had to be careful not to fall off. This was of course not the only thing you had to worry about, but whatever.

In the distance, something slowly started to emerge. A spec of land, where nature was no more. Only human-made buildings and else. I signaled Lu'un to fly lower, not to be seen by them, I still didn't have a death wish, so we first started flying near the treetops and then descended into the jungle below, to make it harder to be spotted by unwanted eyes.

Don't expect too many updates in the next few weeks, school is starting again.

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