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"She looks so pretty" I tell Melanie as she dresses her dolls up. "Melanie , it's bedtime" Zion says from the couch "10 more minutes?" She begs "you said that 30 minutes ago" Zion stands up "tell Kaylin goodnight" he says and she looks at me with sad eyes. She's so fuckin cute dude.

"Goodnight Kaylin" she mumbles and I smile "goodnight Melanie" I tell her. She stands there for a couple seconds before wrapping her little arms around my neck and hugging me. She likes me? I'm pretty sure she likes me?!?? I hug her back before she pulls away "are you gonna come back?"

I poke my lip out cause she is just the sweetest. "Yes I will" I nod before she goes to Zion "sweet dreams" I say before he carries her upstairs.I stand up from the floor and start cleaning up all her toys. I put them all in her toy box and where they belong.

I carry Melanie upstairs to her bedroom. "Dad I don't wanna go to bed" she whines "it's 10:00 at night sweetie" I lay her down and tuck her in. "So" I sit down at the end of her bed "you like Kaylin?" I ask and she nods "she plays dolls with me" I chuckle at her responses "and she's like a princess too" she says "a pretty pretty princess"

I can't help but smile at her. "And she's nice , and she likes purple like me" she points at her self "so she can visit again?" I ask "everyday" she says and I laugh "good" I stand up and kiss her cheek "I love you" I tell her "I love you too" she snuggles up against her stuff panda bear as I walk out. And back downstairs to see the toys cleaned up.

"Oh you didn't have to clean the mess" he says "no it's totally fine" I shake my head. We both sit next to each other on the couch "she really likes you" he tells me "really?" I question and he nods "she thinks you're a pretty princess too" I laugh as he tells me "and you can come over everyday"

This is great. Thank the gods the girl likes me. "So I think today went great" he says "I was nervous" I admit "there was no need to be after all" he moves closer to me as he talks. He looks at his phone "whenever you want me to go I'll go , I know it's getting late" I say

"no no , you can stay as long as you want" he says "I'd prefer if you'd just stay" I place a kiss on his lips very slowly. "You know I'm really glad the guys pushed me into getting to know you" he says "you didn't wanna get to know me?" I ask

"I was just worried about bringing someone into Mel's life and they walk out" he says "I get it , but I'm really glad you decided to" I smile and so does he. "Wanna watch a movie or something?" He ask "of course I do"

(2 week later)

It's been a month and a half of taking to Zion. I met Mel two weeks ago. I've been over his house a couple of times. They have came over to mine a couple of times. We went out to eat , the 3 of us.

We took Mel to the park. It's giving family of 3 LMAOOO. Anyways over all it's been so great.

Paisley even met her. Paisley isnt feeling well today so she isn't with me . I'm currently walking to the PrettyMuch house. Zion and Mel are here too. I walk in to see everyone beside Zion in the living room. "Kaylin!!" Mel yells and runs over to me.

I go to her level and hug her "hi Melanie" I squeeze her "how are you" I ask her "good , I brought my baby doll" she says "oh good , we can play later" I stand up and walk over to the boys. "Hi guys" I smile and wave. They say hi and everything. I look around and then at Mel

"Where your fine ass daddy at?" I ask and she looks at me "sorry , where's dad?" I ask her "in the dining room" she tells me and I make my way to the dining room where I see him on the phone. "The fuck are you talking about dude?!" He yells in the phone. "Fuck out of here, that's bull shit"

Who the hell is he talking to? "You have no idea what the fuck you put us through , you can't just call my phone and think shit is sweet" he says "I'm done with this conversation" he hangs up and turns around "Kaylin" he jumps a bit "sorry didn't mean to scare you" i apologize and walk over to him.

"Naw you cool" he says "seemed like a bad phone call" I say "you heard?" He questions "couldn't help it" I shrug "it's just dumb shit , so stupid" he shakes his head "don't worry about it" he puts his hands on my hips and kisses my lips. "Sure?" I ask and he nods

"Don't lie" I tell him "I'm not , everything is okay" he assures me with a kiss on my cheek. Before we walk into the living room together.
"Man fuck this game" Nick slams down the remote and Melanie looks at him in shock LMAOOOOO. "Uncle Nick......."

He looks at her "oh- sorry Mel , that was bad" he smiles at her and I laugh. Zion and I sit next to Melanie "Kaylin guess what!" Mel says to me "what" I ask "dad said I can get a dog" she jumps up and down a couple times "really?" I ask her "when" I look at Zion

"She's been asking forever , I finally gave in" he smiles "so within the next month" he answers "are you excited" I look at Mel as she sits on Zion's lap. "Yes , and we are gonna buy him a bunch of toys" her eyes go big because of the excitement. I laugh at her as she goes back to her lil iPad.

"Okay I just got the time for the interview tomorrow" Brandon says as he checks his phone "which is?" Edwin ask "1:00" Brandon answers "p.m.?" Nick ask "no dumbass a.m. , yes p.m.!" Brandon throws his hands up "just had to clarify" Nick puts his hands up

"This is why I'm the responsible one" Brandon says "you really shouldn't lie like that" Nick says to him and shakes his head.

"Is Mel coming with us or you got a sitter?" Brandon looks at Zion and Zion slowly turns his head to me. I chuckle "I got her" he smiles "you wanna go with Kaylin tomorrow while dad goes to work?" He ask her

"her house?" She ask and he nods "a play date!" She looks at me "Make sure your dad packs up a bunch of toys"

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