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"She's so cute" I smile at the video he is showing me. "She looks just like you" I point out "She's a wild one" he smiles at his phone. This is so sweet. "So does she know her mom at all?" I ask "sorry , you really don't have to answer that"

He shakes his head "it's good. She doesn't know her she left when Mel was around 3 months" he says "she was party animal , she didn't wanna settle down" he adds "so she left . At first I was scared out of my mind , but now I'm 100% grateful"

I can tell he's a good dad. Just by the way he talks to her and talks about her. "I love that , you seem like a good dad" I say "I'd say so myself" he shrugs "I'm sorry again for keeping this from you" he apologizes again "it's okay. No more secrets tho"

He gets closer "promise" he says as he puts his lips on mine making me put my arms around him. "I have to go soon" he breaks apart fast and says but we start kissing again "how soon" I say in between the kisses "like now , she called and Misses me" We get back to kissing. "Aww, that's cute"

We continue to kiss and kiss and kiss. "You wanna come over tomorrow?" He says "I'd love to" I kiss him and talk. "Meet Melanie?" He suggests and I fully break apart "really?" I question "yeah , I'll let her know too" he tells me and I sit up.

"I'd love to , is it weird I'm nervous to meet a 3 year old?" I question and he laughs "no I think" he answers "if she doesn't like me then you'll have to cut me off" he looks at me weird "I'm positive she'll like you" he stands up and gets his stuff. "I'll call you tomorrow, and you can come over"

I walk him to the door "text me when you get home" we give each other another quick kiss before I watch him go to get into his car and drive off.

(The next day)

"Paisley I know!" I explained every thing to her on this FaceTime call. "The fact that I called it" she says as she does her makeup on the call. "I was flabbergasted" I put my hand over my chest. "A kid is crazy" she says "you're telling me" I say

"We talked and All and he told me about her , showed me pictures . She's super cute" I tell her "so you guys still going?" She ask "yeah , I'm meeting her today" her eyes get big . "What?!" She ask "it's giving stepmom" she adds "oh shut up"

We laugh "you scared?" She questions "nervous" I correct her "same difference" she shrugs "what time" I actually don't even know. "Zion said he'll call me when I can come over" I answer her question. "Good luck" she smiles "thanks" I sigh "let's just hope she likes me"

2 hours later)

It's now 3:30pm and phone just starting ringing and it's Zion! I quickly pick it up and answer. "Hey" I say "hey what are you doing" he ask "nothing actually" I answer "you wanna come down?" Of course I do. "Now?" I ask "yeah" he answers

"Yes I do , I need your address" I tell him "alright I'll send it , and see you soon" he says "see you soon" I smile before hanging up and then I start freaking out. If Melanie doesn't like me it's over. He'll have no choice but to stop talking to me. Which I understand but I really like Zion.

Im excited to go over and see his house and meet Melanie. Really excited but also equally nervous. I never fucked wit a guy who had a kid. I wonder what Zion told her about me?!


"Your girlfriend?" She ask for the 10th time "no not my girlfriend , my friend" I tell Melanie. "You kiss her?" She ask "sometimes" I shrug "your girlfriend" she says "she's just Dads friend" I tell her "she's nice?" She ask "very nice and she's beautiful" I smile and tell her "she's coming to my house?" And I nod "you gotta be nice to her too , okay"

She drops her baby doll and looks at me "promise" she smiles all big "you are the cutest person ever" I say and kiss her cheek "Kailyn will be here soon, can we clean up your toys a little bit" I look around my living room that's been taken over by toys.

"Clean up all my toys? Your girlfriend might wanna play" she says "she is not my girlfriend" We go to the toys and start putting them back "you can ask her if she wants to play when she gets here"


I arrive at the house about an hour later after our call. Im currently making my way to the front door my heart is in my ass bro lmaooo. It takes me a couple of seconds to know on the door but I do. I know a couple of times and it doesn't take long for the door to swing open. "Hey" he smiles

"Hi" I say back "super nervous right now" I admit "don't be , she's excited" he moves to the side to allow me to walk in "she's upstairs getting her baby doll a new outfit, she'll be down" I let out a laugh "but here's my place , a lot of toys" I look around and just smile."I think it's cute"

I hear little footsteps upstairs "Dad!" She yells and he goes flying up those stairs. Scared the shit out of me. I just stand here now. I don't what's happening?
But only maybe 15 seconds later he comes back down "sorry she needed help picking the perfect dress out for her baby" he says

"By the way you flew up the steps you'd think something was wrong" I say "I thought something was so I hurried up" he says "kinda hot" he step closer to him "yeah?" He ask and I nod before we starting kissing again. We kiss for maybe 15 seconds before we are interrupted.

"Dad!" We hear and jump apart "hey baby" he smiles at her. "Your girlfriend is here?" I hear her whisper to him and I laugh. "Not my girlfriend Mel" he tells her before she walks behind him towards me. I crouch down to her level. "Hi Melanie" I smile at her and she smiles back

"You are so cute holy shit" I say and she puts her hand over her mouth "dad , she said a bad word" she tells him "oh I'm sorry , I didn't mean to" I explain to her. "Is that your baby doll?" I ask the obvious. "Look she has a blue dress on!"

She shows me the babydoll "she looks beautiful" I say "dad said you're beautiful" she says. He did?!?!?? Aww!!! "Oh did he?" I ask "ight that's enough , go play" he tells her and she runs off to her toy box. I stand back up "you said I was beautiful?" I look at him "maybe"

He chuckles. "Thank you" I thank him before I go and sit next to Melanie on the floor. "You be this princess and I'll be this princess"

- Party Animal (Z.K.) Where stories live. Discover now