Parte 5

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Some how Ernesto became friends with Jamal and Jamal introduced him to the crew so now they are all friends. Ernesto thought about it for a while but he didn't care Cesar was from a different gang and Cesar didn't care either

Ernesto went to go study at Cesar's house which was fine because of the truce but that means vero would have to go pick him up. She would normally make loco do it but he was out with his girl

Vero had a few plans to take the kids to the park for a while then they would go to the mall. Vero started getting ready to go pick up Ernesto and take her siblings out.

 Vero started getting ready to go pick up Ernesto and take her siblings out

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Once vero finished her makeup she got a text from Ernesto.

Is it cool if I spend the night with Cesar
Since it's Friday?

Yea sure I'll drop clothes off

Ok thanks
Read 4:17

Vero when over to Ernesto's room and got a old fry backpack of his. She put a few clothes in, his deodorant, his cologne, a hairbrush, and his toothbrush

"Guys are you ready?" Vero yelled walking out of Ernesto's room into the living room. First Santana walked out with Santiago following behind.

"Hold up!!" Diego yelled from his room "here get in the car and take Ernesto's stuff" vero said handing the stuff to Santana

"Wait is Ernesto finally moving out?? Does this mean I can have his room" Santana asked "he's not moving out just go get y'all's asses to the car" vero said and they walked out

"I'm ready" Diego said walking out his room "ok let's go" vero said and they went to the car.

Vero locked the house door and walked to the car "keys" she said to Santana

Vero turned on the car making her way near the Diaz house.

A few minutes later she got there and was parking her car "why are we here" Diego asked looking at the guys on the lawn

"To leave Ernesto's stuff" she said getting out the car backpack in hand she was walking up to spooky as she heard Santana yell "take the kid"

Vero rolled her eyes but walked back to the car and picking up Santiago, she placed him on her hip while on her other hand she held the backpack

She walked up to spooky and spooky looked her up and down walked smirking as he stood up hovering over her

"What do you want muerte?" Spooky asked taking a quick glance at Santiago

"I got Ernesto's stuff I'm just dropping it off" she said looking up at him "he's inside first door on the right" he said

"Thanks spooky" she said walking up the stairs as Santiago's little hand waved all she heard was a deep laugh from spooky ad she walked inside the house

She walked to the room spooky had said and knocked on the door "what!" She heard Cesar yell
"Chill I'm leaving Ernesto's stuff fool" she said

Then she heard "shit" then shuffling as Cesar opened the door with a smile "hi" he said looking slightly down at her, vero was 4'11 it wasn't hard for people to look down at her

"Here" she said handing him the backpack "thanks" he said smiling as she smiled back making him blush at her lovely smile anyonr would fall for.

"We'll I have to go now bye Cesar and monse tell Ernesto to text me when he's gonna come back from his girls house" vero said smirking as she heard a light giggle from Santiago

"Bye monse" vero said "bye vero" she heard from monse "bye Cesar and don't forget if you ain't tryna have a kid use a condom here hold up" vero said

Vero took out her wallet and pulled out a condom "here" she said handing it to him as he turned a bright shade of red

"Shut up" he said and walked her to the door "bye Cesar" she said "bye Cesar!" She heard Santiago yell from her hip

"Bye" Cesar said as he opens the door and she walked up to the first step "oh and tell monse if she wants plan b I can buy it for her" vero said laughing "Shut the fuck up" Cesar yelled turning red as the santos looked at him and laughed

She laughed and walked to her car but she didn't see Diego "where Diego" she asked Santana who was on her phone Santana looked up and pointed at sad eyes and Diego

Vero walked up to them hearing thier convo "is mariposa single" she heard sad eyes ask grabbing Diego by the shoulders

"Let's go leave my brother alone and if you wanna talk to mariposa grow some balls and stop being a pussy" vero said as Diego stood up

They walked back to the car and vero turned on her her car "bye muerte" she heard the santos yell before she drove off.

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