alone || Elliana

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It's finally Friday afternoon, only 3 more weeks until summer break! As I hear the bells sudden chime, I grab my backpack and run to my best friend Jenna's classroom, ready to greet her outside the door. However, as I dash through the corridors, I feel my shin scrape against a sneaker, and I slowly lose my balance as I fall. I hear laughs, laughs I've heard a million and one times before.

Looking up, I see Gavin and Lev. The most popular and coolest guys in the school.

"God I wish I recorded that, I could've sent it to Emily." Gavin says.

"Me too bro, me too." I hear Lev's voice. Lev is Pipers boyfriend, and Pipers the queen bee of our school. Emily, her best friend, is Gavins girlfriend. A long time ago, when we were just entering middle school, I was her best friend. Me and Gavin were crushing on each other, and he was only a few days away from asking me out. But there was one person who destroyed my whole life.

Emily Dobson. My mom Yolanda says I can be dramatic, but I'm pretty sure this girl was sent down from hell to ruin my life. Piper basically replaced me with her, and Gavin asked her out mere days after meeting, probably using the flowers he was going to give me. I stood up to them one day, and Lev with his years of dance training, kicked me centre in the face. Jenna was in our group, and she was the only one who was there for me. Since that day, it's just been me and her, and despite them constantly hurting me physically and emotionally, they'd never touch Jenna. Jenna, although looking like she wouldn't hurt a fly, could knock them out with a "simple" punch.

"See you Monday Eli." Gavin winked at me, even using the old nickname we had 2 years ago. "Better be ready to put up a fight."

I don't respond, as usual, and I stand up, fighting the pain. Not physical pain - my pain tolerance has increased over these two years - but social pain. The feeling that everyone is staring at you, and judging you.

"Jen?" I look her English classroom (her last period), and nobody is there. Then I see her hugging her English teacher, and then grabbing her backpack.

"Hey girl." She says, ignoring what she just did.

"Hey, how was your day?" She asks.

"Pretty chill, what about you?"

"Average, the squad picked on me but I'm used to it by now." I answer.

"Urghhh, I hate them." She replies, and smile.

"At least I'm not the only person in this school who doesn't worship them." I giggle, and we walk out the gate. I see Piper and Lev making out outside, but since I'm with Jenna, I know I'm okay. We get onto the bus, and immediately sit on our usual seats: the two closest to the right window on the back row. I get into the window seat, and Jenna sits down next to me.

"Why were you hugging your English teacher at the end of your class?" I say, breaking the silence during which we were both scrolling through Instagram. 

"Oh..ermmm, she's leaving the school and I wanted to say goodbye."

"Aww, that's so sweet of you," I reply, and she grins at me. "It's kinda weird she's leaving so close to the end of the school year."

"Yeah..." Jenna says, pausing. "I think it's because she was pregnant or something and couldn't deal with the pains."

That's weird. Ms Venders, her English teacher, is at least 50, and I thought she'd reached her menopause by now. However, I ignore it, and continue to scroll on my phone.

"Look at this," Jenna hands me her phone, and I see a video of me being tripped up, on Emily's tiktok. I guess she was there today too. It was captioned with 4 emojis: 😂💀💀💀. 

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