Chapter 29

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Crystal's p.o.v

Blood splattered as Headmaster stayed silent of his death. I broke down in tears seeing my mentor die.
I hear the other begin to panic.
The sickness grew to pain and I cried out loud.

"Now! Let's get the this down!"

I look to the sky seeing the solar eclipse. I covered my eyes as the pain grew from my stomach to my chest. It went to my throat then I screamed. I fell to my side seeing a dark green light and light gray one. They both got out of the gray and green field holding me back. They take form appearing before us.

"You bastard!"
Kusa yells in a shape of a human

Aisu groans in kusa arms

All I can feel was a burning sensation in my chest. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears getting slower. Humans can't survive without their spirits......

"Crystal! Please hang on!"
I hear a voice barely

"Please! We need you!"
Another shouts

"Come on Sunshine stay with us!"

My vision was blue but, I could see kinda. Lights appear from everyone even Morgan, Emily, and Houge. They appear before them having all the elements.......
I'm not gonna make it.....
This.....what can I do? Father.....mother....I failed to avenge you.......I failed my friends....
I failed my sister.....
I failed the world........
I'm a failure.

3rd person's p.o.v

"Now open the portal!"
He laughs evilly

The spirits groan in pain before fadin into lights. They form a circle going to the stairs of the pyramid. It spins clock wise making lighting shock though it. Soon a portal opens light and dark spirits stop to see it from their realm.

"Yes! Now spirits! Come to me!"
He laughed

The dark spirits all start trying to escape the pure ones trying to stop them. Crystal was still her chest barely rising. Her eyes looked glassy and empty.....
A light glow went around her and she faded off. People call out to her, some crying, some panicking.

What's going on with Crystal.

"Wake up."
A man says pushing her arm

Crystal eyes slowly open seeing she was in a world of clouds. She jumps back noticing the man. She gasped tears falling from her eyes when she sees him.


His short blonde hair flowing his tannish skin looking pale. His white shirt and light yellow shorts looking serious. His dark blue eyes very dark, but showed so much emotion. Mostly sadness, and hope.

"Yes it's me dear."

His voice sent shivers down Crystal's spine. She stared at him not believing her own eyes.

"Dear we don't have much time. Please come here." He says arms opened

She slowly walk to him touching his cheek. She quickly hugs him crying into his shoulder.

"Shhh it's ok...."
He says petting her short hair

" were died....."
She whispers

"Crystal your on the bridge of death."
He says letting her go

"What? No....the others?"
She asked scared

"They won't be dead....they only had half the pain you had." He says

"What can I do?"
Crystal asked scared

"You can be the key to this all. Crystal my great great great grandfather had two spirits in him. I knew you were going I have them too. Now you have to do something. Something no body can possible survive." He says quietly

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