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You know what? I Genuinely, think this is really the time where you get to start focusing on yourself. That relationship was draining so much of your energy and who you are was taking so much of your focus, you put your own work aside, you put your friends aside and so often you ended up losing yourself in this relationship. I think this is the time that you can really find yourself again. I think you need to take a moment to take a step back and press pause on the world, reflect as an individual. Use this period in your life where you can re-invest in your own happiness and your own fulfillment without anyone else. Ask yourself these brave and wonderful questions "what is it that I'm really passionate about?" "What do I get excited about?" "What is it that really fuels and drives me?" And let me tell ya when you start there, you'll find yourself in away you never thought could have been imagined that you weren't meant to be looking for someone else to fill those gaps. And when you start there all of these things you learn along the way I really want you to remember that it's not about being with someone who makes you happy, it's about being someone who makes you happy - and that's the greatest gift of all

All The Things I've Never Said Before - Part 8Where stories live. Discover now