part 19

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'and all you could do was wrap your hands around him and let silent tears fall.'

4 years ago

"are you really doing this? smoking is strictly prohibited for minors." you said crossing your arms.

"relax, n/n, it's just to try it, i won't turn into an addict like xiao did." heizou said while weirdly holding his cigarette.

"i'm not an addict, I can stop whenever." xiao said looking for his lighter. "so stop being ungrateful or i will not share with you."

"can you please not do it in my presence? i really hate the smell of it" you said worried for your friends.

you were all around 12 years old, hid under a slide on a playground, and heizou was planning on trying his first cigarette.

"and you xiao, why would you even carry these things around? they are so unhealthy" you tried changing their mind.

"y/n, if you want one as well just say so, no need to nag us about it." xiao said exhaling smoke.

"ew, no, i will never." you said turning away from them. "what is even the point of smoking? do you like sucking that much?"

"it's more than just sucking. you won't get it, it is relaxing, feels like water after a long run" xiao said.

"fine, i will leave you two to your sucking, but don't ever reach out to me until you quit, especially you xiao" you said and left.

and that was the last time you spoke to xiao, until now.

present time

you sat near the window with the window wide open while you lit your cigarette. who would have thought that the one who was so against smoking would turn out an addict.

you blew out the smoke as you heard the door house open and close, then you heard your dad saying that someone is here to see you.

"can i come in?" a familiar voice said from outside your room after it knocked.

"no, i'm naked" you said. and that wasn't half wrong because you were in fact half naked.

"i'm not looking, i'm coming in" the voice said, who you already realized that it was your boyfriend.

"you didn't cover your eyes" you said as you noticed that he was staring shamelessly at you. obviously without his eyes closed.

"and you are not fully naked" he remarked.

"okay your point?"

"you half lied"

"and you fully lied. you are a bigger liar"

you just started at each other for a minute straight.

"okay" he said.

"okay" you said as you crushed on the bed and he came beside you cuddling.

"i talked to miko. she was actually really good friends with the kamisato's, ayaka and ayato's parents until they ... passed away." he said as he brushed your hair with his fingers.

"must have been hard for her to know that her friends died." you said feeling sorry for her.

"mm kinda, but she said that she is willing to search for the best doctors to cure ayato. she said that the second stage still is not as a rough and he has a lot of chances of overcoming the illness. so we shouldn't be sad about it."

"easier said than done" you said as you didn't feel how a tear fell from your eye, but scaramouche felt it on his shirt.

"hey, look" he said as he made you face him. "it's not as bad as you think it is, miko may be catchy but she sees the kamisato's as her children, she won't bear to see ayaka left alone. ayato won't die, i promise you"

"he better not" you said and you two smiled gently. you found comfort in each other. but as you two were about to kiss your father entered the room. lucky for you, you were already dressed up.

"am i interrupting something?" he said while hiding something behind his back.

"not at all" scaramouche said. he got awfully well with your dad. maybe because neither of them talked too much than necessary.

"cookies?" he revealed the mystery from behind his back to be a plate of freshly baked cookies, which you assumed they were cooked by him.

"pff gladly" you said as you both stood up more properly to be able to eat.

"aw crap i forgot the milk, i'll be right back" your dad said as he sharply turned around and as sharply stopped because of his usual back pain.

"dad, go sit and relax, i will bring the milk, don't overdo yourself" you said as you went downstairs in the kitchen.

your dad took a seat beside scaramouche on your bed and they did nothing more than to stare at each other.

"scaramouche?" your father said and scaramouche raised his brows to let your father know that he is listening.

"I've been meaning to say this but, you have been a really great support for my daughter in the past months. after me and her mom divorced I never knew how to show her how much I love her and give her the attention a teen needs. but you did everything I couldn't, so thank you, you really are a great man" your father said as he held scaramouche's shoulder in a comforting manner.

"she never seemed like she lacked the love of a father, so i don't think you did a bad job yourself" your boyfriend said to which your dad's eyes lit up.

"why do we have so much milk in the fridge?" you came back with two boxes of unopened milk. "and what's up with this awfully cute bonding can i join i want attention as well" you said as you walked towards them

"i would rather leave you two alone, enjoy the cookies though" your dad said and left.

and as soon as he walked out suddenly scaramouche's phone started to ring.

"hello?", "i'm at y/n's", "no, i'm not hungry", "no, y/n isn't hungry either",  "why?", "why would you?", "oh my god fine, we are coming" this was everything you understood from his phone call.

"who was it?" you asked curiously.

"my mom, she wants to meet you"

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