Chapter one: [Auto-Played Message]

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If you are reading this, not everything has failed.

I don't know how much you remember, or how much you have forgotten. But in case of the worst, you must remember this: You are Blank Slate, and you have the power to return anything made into its original state (and wipe memories from living beings). You are a power eleven and the number one supervillain in the West-Quarter city-region, but you are not evil. You have eight rules. Do not break them; you have forgotten things because you broke rule six.

Never break the rules.

Rule one: don't talk to heroes. They will try to turn you (through the same, boring speech).

Rule two: don't trust anyone, even yourself.

Rule three: work alone. No exceptions.

Rule four: cowards live to fight another day.

Rule five: prove yourself.

Rule six: never use your power on any living thing.

Rule seven: kill only when necessary. (It's not necessary.)

Rule eight: you are not evil. You are not evil. You are not evil.

Important things you should know about yourself:

1. You are twenty-five, born Feb 2nd, 2317. If you forgot that, I don't know how you're reading this.

2. Your citizen name is Denizen Awlden, and you work in cybersecurity for Tushuguan. It's not a bad job.

3. You are trying to make yourself known to Deception so you can meet her again. She will accept you in every way.

4. You don't know where your family is, nor do you care. They never wanted you anyways.

5. Dan, your coffee shop friend, is not his real citizen name, but he won't tell you his real one. His superhero name is Formic, he is a seven, and he's a member of the Storm Cell team (the number one team in West Quarter). He doesn't know you're a villain and he has even asked you to help with the hero's cybersecurity.

6. Naturally, you have a bug in the hero's cybersecurity. It only records and spies when you tell it to, as the heroes would notice it otherwise. Only use it in emergencies. It will self-destruct after one use, but the hole in their system will remain for you. (Coded passwords are in the file attached.)

7. Cyclone (supervillain, a six) is your enemy now. He is evil and will not hesitate to kill you. Avoid him at all costs and never trust the wind.

8. Similarly, the heroes are likely to kill you because they cannot contain you; power suppressants don't work on you. The Storm Cell team is personally looking for you and you cannot be caught—for their sake as much as yours.

9. You used to be a nine, but recently you were captured by the heroes and the near-death experience made you an eleven. Consequently, you have prepared lists of your new allergies, symptoms, important knowledge, and have written your will. These are attached in the file "Lists" at the end of this message.

10. White, blank white, is your signature color.

11. Don't come up with any catchphrases or use them during raids. They're silly and make you look stupid.

12. This message is written and recorded by yourself just before you attempted to wipe your own memories on May 20th, 2342. It will self-destruct after one day.

13. What happened in the past is irrelevant. Focus on surviving as the number one villain and keep an eye out for any signals Deception might give.

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