Chapter 5 - The Library

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Just as Carlos had said, the journey had not taken long at all. When they arrived at the library Y/n couldn't help but gasp at the site in front of them. It was perfect.

Small wildflowers lay scattered across the small area of green leading up to and surrounding the old building, lush grass and greenery sprawled itself happily among the flowers, vines and leaves clung to the ageing walls of (now decided) Y/n's favourite place.

It was perfect. Y/n hadn't even stepped inside but they knew it would not disappoint them.

Carlos laughed at their awe-stricken face gazing up at the most aesthetically pleasing thing they had ever seen.

"You might just collapse when you go inside cabrito" Carlos continued to laugh as he walked towards the door that was painted what would have once been a magnificent shade of dark red.

He pushed it open and Y/n was craning their neck around his body, trying to catch a glimpse of inside as soon as they could. Carlos noticed this and moved himself where they were trying to look, purposefully blocking it- still laughing.

"Carlos let me see!" complained Y/n, resulting in trying to shove him past the threshold.

Giving in with a last laugh, he moved aside, watching their face for the reaction to the library.

Y/n stepped inside and gasped again, taking in everything they could, almost dropping the box.

The whole place was something of a fantasy land. Rows and rows of bookshelves were lined practically anywhere, and every single one touched the ceiling. The only colours present were dark reds, golden browns and coppers.

Too focused in their trance of analysing everything they saw, Y/n didn't realise someone else was in a trance. She was looking at them. They weren't looking at her.

Some would be disappointed at this but she didn't mind. This gave Elizabeth a chance to properly look at them. Their hair, their face, their clothes, how happy they looked compared to yesterday.

Finished with gazing at one side of the room, Y/n turned to look at the other. Elizabeth ducked behind her book faster than she had ever moved before, praying to everything they hadn't noticed her.

Had they noticed her? Of course they didn't. Gawking at how high the shelves had captivated them enough.

That was until they looked around some more. Then they did notice her. They could only see a small bit of her face, but from a distance they would need to squint to see the details that graced her. Nonetheless they felt the overwhelming need to look at as much as they could.

Just as Elizabeth was about to look up, resulting that they must have been looking in some other direction by now, Carlos placed a hand on Y/n's shoulder, turning them around to face the front desk of the library. He told them to present the box so the books could be unpacked later.

After placing the box down and shaking off their arms, Y/n turned back around, eager to see if the girl was still there. She wasn't. Y/n couldn't help but frown at the stranger's absence.

"Come on cabrito we've still got more boxes" Called Carlos from outside.

Y/n followed Carlos back towards the van. Meanwhile, Elizabeth had pressed herself against some shelves, out of view from anyone, and was trying to catch her breath.

If anyone came round the corner they'd think she'd run a marathon. She sure felt like she had. The simple idea of the newcomer looking at her made her heart race.

It was silly, really. They didn't even know what she looked like. Or her name. In fact- she didn't even know their name.

Perhaps that was the excitement of it all- the mystery.

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