"Coming!" She replied, but before she left she pulled Dick and Tim into a big hug, which they gladly returned. "See you after school boys." She waved and walked out the front door as the two boys watched her leave.

Tim heard a sniffle and looked over to Dick, who had tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Are you crying?" Tim asked, Dick covered his eyes.

"No. I have allergies." Dick says, the facade did last long.

He broke down.
"Our baby sister's growing up so fast!"

He blurted out emotionally, Tim patted his back to comfort him.

The car arrived at Lily's school, Bruce held her hand as they walked to the gate passing other parents dropping off their kids, hugging them as they made their way to the school.

They made it to the school gate and Lily stopped in her tracks, the school looked a lot bigger and intimidating than before.

Bruce saw this and knelt down.

"Lily? What's wrong."

"Dad I'm scared, what if the other kids don't like me?" Lily asked.

"What? Don't be silly. Lily you make friends with everyone you meet, you just be the wonderful, happy girl you are, and they'll love you just as much as I do." This seemed to help Lily a little bit, Bruce put a hand on her shoulder and gave her a comforting smile.

"Hey, come on, you're a Wayne, and what do Wayne's do?" This made Lily smile eagerly.

"We face our fears head on." She replied.

"That's my brave girl." Just then, the school bell (🔔 this kind) started ringing. "I think that's your que."

"Ok, I'll see you later." Lily ran off to the school, but she stopped, remembering something, she ran back, giving Bruce a tight hug.

"I love you daddy."

"I love you too baby." He gladly returned the hug, they let each other go and Lily ran into the school, while Bruce watched her with a proud smile.

{Saying Goodbye}

L'gann hit the floor, the words fail appearing next to him as Lily had beaten him in combat training. (For the fourth time in a row.)

"You ok?" Lily extended hand to help him up, he took it with a slightly embarrassed smile.

"Ha! You got beat by a girl." Garfield teased.

"Hey!" Lily reprimanded with a glare.

"Sorry... Ha! You got beat by a 5 year old." He rephrased.

"Accurate as always Beast Boy." L'gann remarked.

"Not bad mija, not bad." Jamie praised Lily.

"Well I did learn from the best." She replied, Jamie awed in flattery. "Batman, Nightwing and Robin." His face went deadpan.

They all heard the zeta tube activate.

"Lily, Wally and Artemis are here to take you out for the day!" Nightwing called out.

L'gann, Garfield and Jaime looked back at Lily, she was gone.


"There's my little princess!" Wally scooped her up as she ran to him.

"The cutest little girl in the whole world." Artemis said as Lily hugged her tightly.

The Littlest WayneWhere stories live. Discover now