"Because you told her the truth, and because my sister got her throat ripped out." Chris practically growled out before wincing in pain as Allison hopped out of the car and pleaded with Jason to let her father go to which Jason growled before letting him go to which Chris groaned in pain as he stood up and pointed another gun at Jason to which Allison stepped in front of Jason blocking her fathers shot.

   As the father and daughter stood facing each other Allison begged her father to leave Jason alone, but he wouldn't budge not until Allison promised to never see Jason again.

   "Never again." Chris stated before walking away leaving a sobbing Allison who turned and ran into Jasons arm to which Jason quickly wrapped her into a hug and just held her as Allison sobbed not wanting to be without Jason.

   Now back in the present we see that we are deep in the woods of the Beacon Hills Preserve when suddenly a swarm of bats passes by and as they do you'll see a figure moving extremely fast on all fours through the woods and as we get closer to the figure we see that it is our MC Jason and he looks to be in a hurry based on the many hurtles he jumping through to get wherever he is going.

As Jason makes it onto the street we can see him continue to run insanely fast before he has to jump over oncoming traffic, but that doesn't seem to slow him down as he continues down his path until he comes to a nice house where he goes around the side and sees an open window with the light on which makes him smile before jumps up onto the roof above him giving him access to the window he is trying to reach to which he dives through the window and stands up where we see Allison Argent standing there with a bright smile.

"How long do we have?" Jason asked as Allison started to pull off his Jacket.

   "How long do we have?" Jason asked as Allison started to pull off his Jacket

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"They'll be gone an hour." Allison said as Jason started pulling off her her shirt.

"Perfect." Jason stated before they both fell back into the bed making out while shedding g the rest of their clothes.

   As the couple began to their session for the night suddenly heard a squeaking noise causing Jason to quickly sit up right with Allison following behind.

   "Does your dads tire squeak alittle bit?" I asked as Allison grew a fearful look.

   "Yeah, why?" Allison asked fearing the answer.

   "We're so dead." Jason stated before he quickly grabbed all his stuff and started heading out the window but not before giving Allison a quick kiss but Jason was forced to hide on the side of the wi Dow due to Victoria barging into Allison's room to which I quick dropped down from the roof and ran off while simultaneously trying to get my clothes back on, let's just say it was not an easy task to accomplish.

While Jason runs off down the street we cross over to Beacon Hills Memorial where Lydia is currently still recovering from what Peter had done to her the night of homecoming and just outside her door we can see a loudly snoring Stiles Stilinski with a 'Get Well' balloon tied to his hand.

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