~Act One~

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(Taken from the anime and manga)

"I stayed up late on the night before the day everything came to an end."

 Takashi leans on the railing of the staircase looking off into the distance, remembering his past with Rei. When the Takagi sisters walk up to him. "That's so stupid," Saya announces, causing Takashi to look up at them. "Huh, what do you want?" He asks her. "Every time you have to face something you don't like you always come to this stupid staircase. It's like your own little pity corner, look at you. Good god, the first semester has just started how are you gonna ever going to make it through the year?" Saya patronises, leaning forward giving, Takashi a view of her breasts. 

"I could say the same to you both. The fifth period isn't over yet." Takashi fires back. "It's ok because we're geniuses unlike you who got into this school by dumb luck." Saya counters. "Takagi, why do you always diss me like that, and why don't you stop her?" Takashi asks, now referring to the silent sister. "Because we don't like stupid people," Saya answers. "What?" Takashi questions, looking at Sumiko.

"Especially those ones who can't admit that they're stupid. I mean you're pretty stupid but at least you know you are. So if I tell you that you're stupid maybe by some miracle you'll be less stupid, stupid." The high-pigtail wearing sister insults him, folding her arms. Takashi however wasn't fazed by this and leans back over the railing and lets out a sigh. "Huh, grow up moping because your little friend dumped you? Jeez, is my sister not enough for you? Stupid." Saya insults one last time, before leaving Takashi and Sumiko alone. 

"I'm sorry about Saya, you know how she can be," Sumiko speaks for the first time since she got here. The brown-haired male nods, so she sighed and leans on him. "So what?" "Hm?" The pink-haired girl hums but is interrupted by banging on the front gate, prompting both students to look towards the front gate. "Who's that, a trespasser?" Takashi asks, as he stood up straight. At the front gate, there was a man dressed nicely in a suit slamming himself into it with his arms outstretched. 

The couple watch as four teachers went to inspect the man. "You there, what do you think you're doing? This is a private school." Miss Hayashi informs. "It's ok miss Hayashi, let me handle it." Mr. Teshima tells, her walking towards the strange man and rolling up his sleeves. Mr. Teshima grabs the man by his collar and slams him into the gate. "Hey now, Mr. Teshima excessive violence is-" Miss Hayashi protests but stops when the man grabs Mr. Teshima's arm and bites into it.

Said man starts screaming and rolling around before falling silent. The remaining teachers surround him looking worried. "Oh my gosh, he's dead." The elderly teacher states. "No way, that's impossible he was just..." Miss Hayashi tries to reason, but was once again stops after seeing Mr. Teshima's hand twitch. "Mr. Teshima are you alright." She asks as the man opens his eyes. She walks closer to him smiling saying, "Oh Mr. Teshima thank god, you had me worried for a-" which turned to a gasp as he grabbed the front of her shirt and screamed as he bit into her neck spraying blood. 

Takashi and Sumiko gasp and toke a couple of steps back after witnessing what just happened. Takashi stood frozen for a second before grabbing Sumiko's hand, running up the stairs and through the school hall toward Rei's classroom. Once he got to the class he slammed the door open drawing the attention of everyone and staggered towards the brown-haired girl's seat. "Komuro, you couldn't be happy with just skipping my class and why are you with him, Takagi?" The teacher asks.

 "Come with me," Takashi tells Rei, ignoring the teacher, grabbing her arm, and pulling her out of her seat. "Huh, w-what are you doing?" The brunette asks as Saya stands from her seat prompting her twin to walk over to her to explain the situation. "If what you say is true then stay with Takashi and we'll meet up later, ok?" The older twin says. Sumiko nods and walks over to Takashi just in time to witness him slapping Rei. 

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