New Survivor|Aether POV

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"Hurry up Aether!" The floating pixie yelled at her friend, who was lagging behind, "This time trial won't finish itself!" Paimon laughed as Aether was trying to catch up with her. Exploring Sumeru was fun! There was a ton of chests, fun puzzles.. and the Aranara of course!

"I'm trying Paimon!" Aether was struggling with this one.. He always fell down, instead of getting the last elemental particle! This was his fifth try!

Paimon was doing her best to help.. but she wasn't sure how exactly she should, "Maybe you could try running from this side first!" She suggested. They've been trying to work this out..

The two had to redo the trial around four more times.. but Aether eventually received the treasure chest. It was a sweet precious one!

"This way now! We need to start heading towards the desert part of Sumeru!" Paimon smiled, watching as Aether collected the loot from the chest, "Maybe we won't have to climb! There could be a cave passage!"

Aether chuckled. Paimon was being as lazy as always.. But he'd have to admit, he hated climbing as well. Especially when he was about to reach the top, just to run out of stamina and stumble back down.. Ouch.

The two followed a path, making their way to the desert. They were still in one of the many forests.. both kept an eye open on any chests they could spot.

Paimon soon laid her eyes on a precious chest in the distance. Whoa! Today had to be lucky! "Aether! Aether!" She looked over, trying to get his attention over to the chest as well. Which was easy enough to do. Neither payed attention to the slight change in weather..

"Race you there?" Aether smiled towards her. He could use his glider to get over the small gap in the ground.. "You bet!" Paimon giggled, taking off immediately to gain distance.

Aether rolled his eyes with a smile, dashing after Paimon. He wasn't letting her win that easily! It was a close race, Aether catching up to her quickly. But Paimon wasn't giving up either. The two happily raced into the fog that was forming around the chest they were going for..

Perhaps the mistake made was lowering his guard. But who knows? He still wouldn't have to notice that something was off about the fog..

Aether soon stopped laughing, looking around himself. He swore Paimon was ahead of him just a second ago.. Did she already win?

"Paimon?" He spoke up, looking around for her. Nothing. Maybe it was just another one of her pranks..

But the fog was starting to thicken more and more. Aether could see less and less of the familiar forest.

"Paimon!" He called out again, "This is starting to not be funny anymore.." He sighed, looking around for Paimon.. but nothing. No sign of her floating nearby..

Normally, she would appear and laugh over this. Normally she would. Aether grew more concerned as the silence remained.

As the fog grew thicker, Aether began to feel cold. He could no longer see the trees around, nor the grass under his legs.. Something bad was happening. He could tell now. He felt the cold almost.. wrap around him, as his sight grew almost fully clouded.

Eventually.. Aether was fully unable to see anything. Not even his own hands.. He began to feel his consciousness slip away.. Yet there was nothing he could do about it... He had no choice but to give in.






The Entity was satisfied. One more survivor was enough for now. Though it was rather curious about this universe, almost ready to gather more people and strip them of their power, or increase it and use them to feed on the fear and bloodlust.. This was It's realm. Noone was superior here, if it didn't want them to be.

Now, The Entity had to chose the killer to go along with this survivor.. It already know.






Aether quickly sat up, looking around. Expecting to see Paimon worriedly floating above him.. but that was not the case. He indeed fainted.. and this was not Sumeru. It wasn't the forest him and Paimon were exploring.

Rather, it was dark and eerie. Silent. Empty.

All Aether could see were trees, rocks, more rocks and a small house in the distance. A house that seemed abandoned and rotten.

He was unaware of the situation he was in. That a killer was lurking in the small area, along with three more people that shall be his new friends.. Aether simply wanted to find Paimon and get out of here.

He made note of the strange.. Ruin Guard -like box he passed. But he ignored it. Unaware that this box should be his priority.. Luckily his teammates did.

Aether walked, almost sneaked around. Something was telling him to stay hidden.. As if a voice inside his head was whispering and trying to help out. He wasn't sure whether to listen to it or continue his search. He eventually gave in, slowing down and examining his surroundings..

That allowed Aether to catch onto two noises. One reminded him of a Ruin Guard once more, and it really did come from a nearby box.. it was slightly moving as well.

The other noise was more creepy. For now, it was a barely audible lullaby coming from afar.. someone was singing it.

Aether grew curious about the box now. How come this one was making noise and moving? After glancing around for anything weird, he slowly began to approach..

That was when he spotted one of his teammates, Mikaela Reid. A former barista, and now one of the many survivors of this realm. One that had her way around with Boon magic and such things.. Mikaela was busy working on the generator. They needed to get everything ready for the escape after all!

Though disappointed that he did not find Paimon, he approached further. He did not know who this person was.. but they could still help.

Mikaela was quick to notice. She needed sharp instincts to survive here, after all.. "Come help me." She muttered, looking over. Noticing that it was not a person she had seen before at the campfire.. Meaning The Entity was taking in more people.. "Hi there." Mikaela forced a smile.

"I'm looking for someone." Aether wanted to keep this simple and quick.. Just find Paimon, and head back. Somehow..

"Looking for someone? Here?" Mikaela didn't let go of the generator, there was still a lot to do and the killer was still far.

"Yes. Her name is Paimon and-" Aether was interrupted. A hatchet flew right before his face, narrowed missing him..

"Sorry. No Paimon's in this trial." Mikaela shook her head. Great. The Huntress was in a sniping mood today..

Aether did not like how casual the girl was.. but what was that!

Mikaela sighed, "You are new. I can tell.. You're probably confused.. I can ty to explain. While I do, would you mind pulling that lever whenever I give the signal?"

Aether got close to the box, putting his hand on the lever pointed out by her..

"This is a generator. In order to get out of here alive, we need to repair five of these. There's seven of them, meaning there's two extra ones." Mikaela began to explain, the lullaby slowly getting louder..

"There's always four people to complete this task and escape. But to stop us from doing so.. There's also a killer lurking. Each has their unique powers and abilities. Right now, we're facing one who we call The Huntress. You can hear her lullaby, and she can throw hatches at you. Simple enough." Oh boy, was there a lot to explain..

Mikaela looked over at Aether, "I'm Mikaela Reid."

"My.. name is Aether. Just Aether." He was still.. beyond confused by this..

"Welcome to The Realm, Aether."

Word Count: 1314

Hello everyone! Yes, this chapter was slightly rushed, which I do apologize for. It is late, but I've just gotten the inspiration for this. Leave any suggestions and tips in the comments!

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