New Killer || ??? POV

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The Entity chose a survivor. As the rules said, each survivor was supposed to have a killer.. The Entity had many to choose from, as Aether had encountered many monsters and fought numerous enemies.. But it had chosen one that deserved.. a second chance, if you will.

When survivors and killers are outside a trial, waiting for another to begin or resting to regain their energy.. Each group has a home of sorts.

The Survivors were given a nice forest with a campfire, along with camping equipment. Their little camp grew with time, as everyone worked together to improve and build more.

The Killers lived in a much darker forest, pretty far from the Survivor Camp. But, not that far to make it impossible for the two groups to meet from time to time. In the middle of the dark forest stood a mansion. While it didn't look that enormous from the outside.. The inside of it was 'magical'. The right word could be.. cursed. It allowed them to each have their own rooms, each being the way they wanted to be. Small, or large.. it didn't matter. All their wants and needs could be satisfied. As long as they obeyed the rules.

And the killers were about to get a new addition to their side as well.. Who would ever guess that the murderous and bloodthirsty group, could be an actual family of sorts outside the trials? More.. human as well




A figure stood amidst the tall trees. Letting the soft breeze wash through her hair.. The figure stood, confused. The forest looked nothing like any she remembered seeing before.. What happened?

Was this hell? Heaven? If it was either, she would guess it was hell.. She wouldn't imagine Heaven being so.. empty and eerie. Or perhaps she was plainly wrong.

Red ornaments and marks adorned her skin, along with some hints of gold and black.. A dress she hadn't seen for decades covering her body. If there was a sun shining above, her hat would also shield her from that..

She may have been confused, but curiosity was also growing in her. She was supposed to be dead, yet.. She felt far from it. She felt as alive as she usually did.

Should she start investigating? She had seen almost the entirety of Teyvat, she should recognise where this was! Yet.. she did not. While the trees looked familiar, the overall aesthetic of this forest resembled none of the seven nations..

Seeing as there was nothing around, the figure began to walk down the.. barely visible path. Or, she at least hoped it was a path.. Because it would mean that she could find someone and get the explanation she wanted.

After a while of walking.. She was met with what seemed like a building in the distance. It only made her more confused.. It once again resembled none of the nations. How odd.

She continued approaching nonetheless. It was the only interesting thing around.. Once she got closer, she realised that it was definitely not a small hut.. Rather, it was a mansion! It seemed good enough for a possible place to spend the night..

The more she approached, the more visible and bigger the path grew. Meaning she picked the right path to go..

But once she arrived at the gates, she was once again unsure what to do. Should she simply barge in? Or try and get the people inside to let her in? She would have to see.. She pushed the gates open, entering the gardens and making her way towards the main entrance of the house.. She had no idea what to expect to come out of this situation..

She almost did not notice the figure standing amidts the small gazeboo between the trees.. She looked over. Perhaps this was the owner of this house. Though they did look rather.. strange. She approached.

The person standing there was none other than The Spirit, who's name is Rin Yamaoka.. As one of the killers of this realm, this mansion was her home. Her floating, long and black hair could be considered the more normal thing about her appearance.. because her skin was light blue, and her limbs were not connected to her body. Dismembered, yet somehow still forming a human creature. Broken shards of glass inlaid in her skin..

"Why, hello." The newcomer spoke, walking to stand beside the strange person. Rin looked over. This was not one of her friends.. but she grew curious.

"He-LLO." Rin greeted the woman, her curse causing her to tick. But the girl was used to that by now.. "Are you new here?" She asked, despite it being quite obvious to her.

"New?" The woman wondered, "Perhaps I am.." She nodded eventually.

"Welco-me. I am Rin Yama-oka, The S-pirit." Rin spoke, as polite as ever.. Her voice not as distorted as she was not in a trial. 

"I suppose it's a pleasure to meet you, Rin.. I believe I'm rather confused on what this place is." The woman decided on introducing herself later.

"This is The En-tity's realm. You are.. a new kill-er. Like me. Li-ke my friends." Rin kept it simple. She was not the best at explanations.. Anna or Sally, one of those who have been here the longest, could explain a lot better..

"Realm? Killer?" Ah. A killer. A role quite fit for her. It was ironic.. But things certainly grew more interesting by the second.

"Come insi-de. Everyone li-kes meeting the ne-w people." Rin turned around to walk towards the main entrance. Most did, at least.. Then, there were the people that mostly hung around their own rooms.. alone.

Perhaps this was indeed the afterlife.. At least things would stay interesting.. The woman almost couldn't wait to learn more. Already quite confident that she could manage well here, if all she needed to do was kill. Almost too simple for someone of her ranks..

Rin guided the newcomer towards the door, quite excited herself. But that didn't really show. Rin had.. it difficult properly expressing herself. But thanks to the others, she was working on it.

"What is y-our name?" Rin asked, stopping before the door.

"The little old me?" The woman smirked a little, "My name is La Signora. But I'm also known as either The Fair Lady, The 8th Fatui Harbinger.. or also the Crimson Witch of Flames." Signora finally introduced herself.

"The Crimson Witch.. We'll have to see if that title will be accepted." Rin nodded. This La Signora.. She seemed like a nice addition to their already quite diverse little family..

Rin opened the door for Signora with that.

Word Count: 1122

Hello everyone! Our main 'antagonist' is here with us now! Will she get along with everyone? Will she soften up? What about Aether? Paimon? What if.. more people will get taken?

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⏰ Son güncelleme: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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