•The Return•

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{This story has angst, SA, swear words !}
Continuing from last chapter...

"He's back, Moon" Sun replied "w-wha- what do you mean he's back?! We defeated him!" Moon spoke, loudly might i add "i don't know how! Y-you teared him apart, didn't you?" Sun said. Moon stayed quiet "didn't you...?" Sun spoke to Moon with a terrified face. Moon looked at Sun and then looked down, Sun scoffed and ran out the door "Sun wait!" Moon yelled at Sun, running after him.

Moon chased Sun before he stopped to breathe, suddenly, he got pulled into the dark and Sun was so far away he didn't notice Moon disappeared behind him. "Shh! Be quiet, slut." Moon heard a voice behind him..

It sounded familiar but he didn't understand who he was. He started panicking, kicking and punching, doing anything to get put of the grip....until he felt sleepy..?

Moon passed out and the unknown animatronic picked him up and took him somewhere else. Sun kept running until he turned around and saw Moon wasn't chasing him anymore, he felt relieved and sat down on the wall, tired from all the running. It took him a while to regain his stamina, he didn't think it will take that long.

"God..all that running made me tired.." Sun complained "i wonder where he went though, there's no way I'm faster than him!" Sun questioned, standing up to go back to the gang for advice. "I'll go ask Monty, he's my friend, he'll help me!" Sun reassured himself.

Sun ran to Rockstar Row and went to find Monty. He searched the area first, just incase he's outside his room but he didn't find him "Monty!! Where are you?" Sun yelled out, until he went closer to his door.

There were distressed noises coming from his room and Sun got curious. He opened the door and- " Monty-" Sun stood there in shock "S-Sun..! Hey buddy..?" Monty said, moving away from an animatronic "...get away from my brother." Sun mumbled "what..?" Monty replied

"I said.."


Moon was on the ground, tied up and crying. Monty was surprised that he said that to him and a bit terrified of Sun "Y-You got it all wrong S-Sunny! We were just playing and-"
"I'll give you 5 seconds." Sun cut Monty off.

Monty sat up quickly and escaped through the door. Sun rushed over to Moon who was almost naked"b-brother, are you okay!?" Sun said, worried about Moon. He untied him and removed the rope from his mouth.

Moon got up and hugged Sun immediately "B-Brother! I-I didn't know what to do and-and-" "shh... Everything is okay, I'm here" Sun shushed Moon and hugged him tightly.

Moon was trembling, sobbing under Sun's hug " I'll take care of it brother.." Sun said to Moon, reassuring him "W-What are you *hic* g-gonna do..?" Moon asked Sun "nothing to worry about.." Sun replied, making Moon a bit scared for what's next.

Monty was already running away, scared of what he'll do to him "shit shit shit shit shit-!" Monty whispered under his breath. Sun was chasing him but Sun was already faster than Monty "oh come here gator~ I'm still not FINISHED with youu~" Sun yelled out " you need to pay back a DEPT with your souull~" Sun was threatening Monty.

"LEAVE ME ALONE! I-I SWEAR I WONT DO IT AGAIN!" Monty yelled out of fear, slowing down from the lack of stamina " A PROMISE WON'T STOP ME FROM TEARING YOUR WIRES OUT. YOU FUCKING SEXUALLY ASSAULTED MY BROTHER." Sun yelled out, furious at him " THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN REPAY ME IS BY ME COLLECTING YOUR HEAD~" Sun threatened him again.

Monty was terrified of him, that he didn't know there was an obstacle infront of him. Monty tripped and fell and soon enough Sun caught up with him "no more running~" Sun picked up Monty and choked him to the wall "P-PLEASE...I-IM SORR-RY..!" Monty was trying to convince him to let go, which Sun obviously didn't do.

Sooner or later, Monty passed out and Sun started punching and tearing him apart. His maniacal laughs could be heard throughout Rockstar Row..

"D-Do ya know what's happenin' Fred?" Bonnie asked Freddy "i have no clue.." Freddy was already terrified and he was shaking a bit.

"EEK! W-What's happenin' Roxy!? I'm TERRIFIED!" Chica yelled at Roxanne " Don't know chick, w-we probably shouldn't go to the daycare for now.." Roxanne replied to Chica and hugged her.

After Sun tore Monty apart, he went back to where Moon was "Moon! I'm back, are you okay? Do you need anything?" Sun ran towards Moon and hugged him "w-what did you do to M-Monty..?" Moon asked "he needed to learn his lesson...~" Sun smiled, but not any smile... A psychotic one.

"Y-You're covered in oil.."

"I know"

"You need a bath."

"I know..."

Sun picked Moon up and headed to the daycare, oil getting on Moon since Sun practically killed Monty.

After they arrived, Moon went to the tower and Sun went to shower. Sun took a long time to shower since the oil got everywhere, scrubbing it off was painful as well..

"....remind me to never kill someone without gloves again.." Sun whispered under his breath "Sun?? Are you okay in there??" Moon yelled at Sun through the door " Yeah! I'm fine, this oil is hard to get off." Sun replied. Moon chuckled " alright then, you have a towel on the door if you need it!" Moon told Sun " alright!" Sun replied, scrubbing himself again "....do you need help?" Moon asked him " no it's fine, I'll get this off sooner or later! It's not gonna be THAT hard, right??" Sun answered him. Moon left a towel on the door and left.

"Don't want anyone seeing me without clothes on.." Sun said quietly

Little did he know, a certain someone was spying on him

"Nice body Sunny~"
Words: 1019
End of chapter 2

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