Chapter Two

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Lesliuan steps back, and you step forward with Finnick. He offers his hand first and you take it. It would be stupid for both of you to not form an alliance, almost every time Tributes didn't get along, one always ended up dying.

You shake his hand, and seal the deal.

You look at the crowd once more and say your goodbye before you are led over to the Justice building, where you and Bistrel are split up and locked in a room. You are supposed to wait in them for minutes while they talk to your family before allowing them to say their goodbyes, probably the last time you'll talk to them.

You wait in that room for what seems like hours, it wasn't helping that your mind was going over every single way you could die.
The peacekeepers finally let your family in, and telling you that you only have a few minutes.

"Your father engulfs you in a hug, "Your fine, you'll make it," he whispers, more to himself then you, "remember the fishing trips." You couldn't hold it anymore and started sobbing into his chest.
Your mother rubs your back, she tries to say something but just ended up sobbing. You leave your father's embrace to hug her as well.

You go to hug your sister only to realize that she hadn't come into the room with them. "They didn't allow her, something about her being a child under 12," your father explains.

Your mother finally composed herself, "You will win, Y/n," You look up at her in surprise, "mom-,"
"Don't say you can't, you are a lot stronger than you think."

You silently nodded, "Y/n." Your father said slowly, "come back so that you could argue with Peruse again," he said while sadly laughing.

"Don't cry in front of the cameras, k? Make them and your family know your strong"

You nodded once more, the room opens and the peacekeepers let you know your time is up. You wave yours parents goodbye, but right before they shut the door, you hear your father sob.
You sit down on the couch, trying to distract yourself.

You're 14, no one of that age has won the games, but your parents have been preparing you for years. Your mother would point out edible plants on the way to school, while your father would make you go fishing with spears and fishing lines.
So you have been honing on your skills, so your not exactly terrible at it.

You have a chance to win, you just need to put in some effort. You have to stand out in the capitol, and befriend the careers. District four is already considered a career, you just have to act like it, show them you're worthy to be in their pack.

When the peacekeepers come back to escort you to the car, you make sure to look tall. You just need to deal with the cameras one more time before getting in the train.

The car ride is silent, you mostly spent it trying to stop crying. Tears occasionally escaped your eyes but you just wiped them away.

After being led to the platform, you look at the crowd once more, and wave goodbye, making sure that the cameras see that, Bristel follows your movements.

After getting on the train, it begins to move almost immediately, making you and Finnick startled, having to catch yourself, you subconsciously hold onto his arm for support. You couldn't help but wonder how Lesliuan managed to stand still while wearing those unnecessarily large heels. She obviously has been doing this for years but it still makes you wonder.

After a few seconds, Lesliuan leads you further away from the door.
"We'll be there in a couple hours but I will show you your rooms," she informs the both of you. A couple of hours is a lot faster compared to some of the lower districts like twelve, which takes around more than a day.

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