8. it doesn't count during drinking games [minor nsfw]

Start from the beginning

It doesn't take Levi long to get ready either. Grey slacks and a black turtleneck- is it the same one from yesterday? "Is this fine?" he asks you as he moves to where his suitcase is.

"Is what fine?"

"What I'm wearing. For meeting your family."

He's still going through with this. Thank fuck, because a tiny part of you was worried he'd ditch you. "You could wear sweatpants and you'd be fine," you admit. "We're not very formal."


"Yeah, but I'm still fine to pick something up on the way."

Levi brings his bag to the door, then comes back to take yours from you. You begin to protest but eventually, when it does nothing, you just murmur your thanks. You do one last scan of the room to make sure you haven't forgotten anything, and once you know that you're set, you join Levi at the door.

He's got your bags out into the hallway; there's already a butler with him, taking your suitcases from him. You give Levi's room one last glance- if you ever become insanely rich, you're going to make your bedroom look something like this. "Ready?" Levi asks.

Your eyes scan the room one last time, and then you look to Levi. "Yeah."

Arm in arm, the two of you head to the main entryway. You sigh to yourself as you walk through the massive hallways. When you first saw the house, you'd freaked out a fair bit and gotten caught up in your anxiety. Was it bad? Kind of. But there were good points too: meeting Levi's mother, sleeping in a massive bed with heated blankets, exploring a Christmas market, getting to wear the dress of your dreams. 

Could it have been worse? Yes. It is going to get worse? Absolutely.

Not to mention there's this little issue of a possible crush on the man holding your arm at this very moment. Waking up in his arms? Are you kidding me? And now you're about to go to the lodge, where the bed space will be smaller and it's going to be less formal. You're going to be expected to be more intimate. God, are you excited?

There's something wrong with me, you decide as the two of you get to the front door. That's it. There's something wrong with me.

You're nearly out the door when you hear, "wait!" and Kuchel comes around the corner, walking quickly towards the two of you. "I understand wanting to sneak out, but I wanted to say goodbye," she says as she gets closer.

Levi's shoulders slump slightly, and he lets go of you to take a step towards his mother. "I'll get us out of here," he murmurs. "I'm close."

Kuchel beams. "I know. You're doing so well, I'm so proud of you." She reaches out and hugs him, and it's a bit awkward, but the hug doesn't last long enough to make it painful to watch. She turns to you next, smiling, and she opens her arms. "Meeting you was so lovely. Thank you for your kindness towards my son."

"It was my pleasure," you say, and you mean it. You step into her hug, smiling. "Thank you for having me."

"Of course. You're welcome anytime," she tells you as she backs up.

You smile and look to Levi, expecting to leave, but he's still looking at his mother. He looks like he's trying to figure out what to say, and you reach out and grab his hand. Levi glances at your interlocked hands briefly before he looks back to his mother. "There's a gift for you, from us," he says. "Just something small from the Christmas markets. We didn't get to give it to you yesterday, but I left it in the library."

"Levi picked it out," you say quickly. It's nice that he wants to give you both credit, but considering this is likely the last chance you're going to see Kuchel, it's not worth that much from you.

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