The Start

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Ada's POV

My life is boring. I'll admit it! I do the same boring things in the same boring routine every day! But as it turned out, it wasn't going to stay that way for long.

I wake up and feel the mix of textures from the patchwork blanket draped over me. I groggily shuffle my way out of bed, making sure to be careful not to make too much noise on the squeaky bed frame. I waddle my way to my to my mirror and take a look at myself. My short deep black hair messily over my head, with the singular white streak in my hair annoyingly sitting in front of my face like it always did. I wrangle my locks into something that looks, acceptable for the day. I grab a warm, blue, shirt, littered with grass and dirt stains from my many "adventures" in the woods near my house. (Buy adventures I mean the times when I search in woods for cool rocks and crystals to add to my collection.) I also hoisted on a pair of jeans, equally littered with similar stains, and a sweatshirt to keep me warm. Then I waddled groggily over to my bedroom door.

I trip my way down the familiar chipped wooden stairs of my house. I make my way to my old kitchen and quickly whip myself up a bowl of yogurt and oats. I walk into the living room to see my mom, still passed out on the couch. I quickly sit down on the the rocking chair that was probably older than both me and my mom combined. I gobble up my food and was about to get up when my mom woke up.

"What are you doing here?" She spat out, groggily, with a mix of confusion and anger in her voice. "Its me mom." I said, annoyed. This happened every day. She would stay up all night, drinking and watching movies. Then she would pass out on the couch and wake up the next morning, hungover and not thinking about what she's doing or saying. She began to speak again. "Where is your father?" I was surprised. She always said odd things, but not like this. It was usually it was pretty predictable, talking about, food, weather, stuff like that. But she had never mentioned my dad before, especially in this state. "Mom, dad's dead. He died when I was born, remember?" I responded. "No, no, he didn't die, h-he just left." Now I was even more puzzled. My dad was dead- right? "Mom, what are you talking about?" I questioned, wanting to uncover more. "After you were born, h-he said he couldn't s-stay. It wouldn't be safe." She said. I wanted to keep talking, but before I could, there was a knock on the door.

I open the door and registered 4 people standing there. They all looked around my age (16-17 at best), the tallest haired dark black hair and sea green eyes. The second was a girl, slightly shorter, with curly blond, princess-like hair and grey eyes that looked like storm was brewing inside. The third had curly brown hair and looked to be of latino decent, and he had crooked crazy smile sitting on his face. The last person was a beautiful girl with choppy chocolate brown hair and little braids going down the sides, she looked to be of indigenous decent. They were all wearing bright orange shirts with a picture of a pegasus on it and some words my dyslexia would not let me figure out.

"Hi, just gonna say while I'm ahead, we don't need any girl scout cookies." I said, sarcastically. The blond girl spoke up, "Well actually, we are not girl scouts, where is your mom?" I found the question odd, but assumed it was fine. "She's inside, why?" I question on. "We just need to talk to her." The girl responded. I was about to go get her when I realized, 1) why would I let a random girl talk to my mom, and 2) My mom wasn't in the best state to talk to people right now. So, I did the most logical decision- and shut the door in their faces. But before I could, the brown haired girl spoke up. "Keep it open." She talked with bother assertiveness and softness in her voice. Before I could think I felt my body reopening the door against my own will. "What the h-" I started to talk but the blond girl began to speak again. "Please, we really need to talk to her. She will understand." She sounded, concerned? I was confused but decided to do as she said. "Fine." I responded, begrudgingly.  I walk into the living room to see my mom reading something about a boy going to a wizard school. "Mom, the people at the door need you." I spoke. "Why? Who are they?" She said, a little less groggy than earlier. " I don't know, they just need you." I respond. My mom sighed and walked up to the door. At first she just looked tired , but when she looked down at their shirts her face immediately melted into a mix of sadness and annoyance. "Who are you?" She said, although it sounded as if she new, in some sense, who they were. I stood to the side of mom, just close enough to still listen to the conversation, but far enough for none of them to see me. The black haired boy began to speak. "Hi, I am Percy, and they are Annabeth, Leo, and Piper." He pointed to each of the people standing there with him. "We are looking for a de-" He cut himself off. "I mean a, person , and we think it's your daughter." He said the last part in a hushed voice, but I was still able to make it out. I quickly jumped out from behind the corner. "WHAT." I yelled.  The blond girl, or should I say, Annabeth, dragged her hands down her face, as if this had happened thousands of times. Annabeth spoke up. "Well, no point in trying to hide it now, we need you to come with us back to New York, Long Island to be exact." I was practically startled of my feet. New York?  That was hours away, had they come from there just to see me? Why do I need to leave? My mind flooded with questions. But all of those were pushed aside when my mom began to speak.  "Sure, how long will she be staying?" That was even more surprising, my mom was just ok with this? Handing me off to some random teenagers I've never even met? "Just for the summer." Percy said. My mom just looked at me and said, "Go back your stuff, and be quick." I wanted to fight back, I wanted to ask why she just wanted me to leave, and why she was just ok with this! But, instead, I just walked back up those rickety old stairs to go pack my bags for what I could only tell, was going to be a summer of agony.

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