Chapter 1: Torture and Explosion

Start from the beginning

The screams of agony meant absolutely nothing to the boy. He wanted information and he wanted it now.

No matter who had to suffer for it.

Suddenly, a look of calm passed over the woman's expression as she began to half scream, half sing an incantation.

"My name is Juliet Katherine Orian..."

The boy's eyes widened. He knew what was going to happen. "GUARDS!!," he yelled as the woman continued; "Born to Lord Faron and Lady Katherine Orian..."

The boy could hear guards hurrying to his aid, but he had a feeling they wouldn't make it in time. He knew if the woman completed this ritual, her body would blow up like a bomb of light, destroying everything within a 3 mile radius!

He couldn't allow that to happen. He couldn't die after everything he'd accomplished, everything he had suffered and sacrificed!

"Born the year 245627, on the 12th of the 12th..."

The boy spun, the piece of hair covering one of his eyes flying out the way to reveal a silver gem in place of dark red black left eye! He quickly removed the glove on his right hand, grabbing at the air centimeters above his gem eye.

But what was air mere milliseconds before, turned to the handle of a long, black and red bladed scythe. The scythe had come out of his eye, impossible though it seemed!

"And I wish to d-!"

The boy stabbed her through the head, stopping the ritual just in time! He fell backwards as guards burst in, relief spreading through his veins, and wiped the blood off him that splattered, conquering fear he didn't know he had.


It was a strange emotion, something he didn't remember, but a familiar feeling at the same time.

"Raven? Are you quite well?," a girl's voice questioned, lightly putting a hand on his shoulder. At this, the boy whirled around, aiming his scythe at the girl's throat.

"Get. Your. Hand. Off. Me. Now," he snarled, his voice low and dangerous. The girl removed her hand hurriedly, fear sparkling in her blood red black eyes, the color much like the boy's right eye.

He lowered his weapon. Snapping his fingers, the scythe disappeared into thin air, as though it had never existed in the first place, as the boy headed for the door.

"Raven? What do we do with the body?," the girl called after him. The boy rolled his eye.

"Experiment on it. Find out what her DNA is made of. Perhaps we can weaponize it. And while you're at it, captain, find me another prisoner. We need the location of the Rebels, or at least a bargaining chip," he ordered.

"And what if we can't get a prisoner, sir?"

Lord William Bloodthorn turned around, his dark red-black eye glowing dangerously.

"Then you had better pray to the Gods I'm not alive to see that."




Shadow looked like he might kill Cas. But that was nothing new to the 17 year old thief, half the Rebels wanted to kill him at one time or another.

Speaking of Rebels, another one fell dead to the ground. Cas knew they were running out of options. Not even half the people knew or had any type of powerful skill, so that was out of the question. And they were fresh out of bombs, and would need cover if they wanted to go back to base.


Hardly even thinking, Cas drew an alchemy circle. The blonde was extremely out of practice, but that was alright. So long as it caused a big explosion.

"ON MY MARK, RUN!!!," he screamed at the remaining rebel soldiers. They looked confused, but Cas knew they would do anything just to get out with their lives at this point. He just hoped nobody would see the alchemy circle till it was too late. Let's just say no one particularly trusted Cas to perform alchemy ever since last time. Yikes...

But, of course, Lady Luck was hardly ever on the blonde's side. Just as Cas was drawing the final lines, Shadow saw him.

"VENDETTA, ARE YOU MENTAL!?!?! YOU'LL GET US ALL KILLED!!!," he yelled, trying to get to Cas to destroy the circle! In response, said thief simply grinned and planted one hand down on the circle, while he put the other in the air

Cas took a last look at Shadow. "Do me a favor and get everyone out of here!!," he shouted. Shadow stopped running at him and seemed to be struggling with what to do.

In the end though, he turned and yelled at the other soldiers to retreat.

Cas smiled for what he hoped wasn't the last time and put one hand on his head to hold his beanie down.

And snapped his fingers.


The explosion was massive. It took out at least 3 blocks, killing or injuring everyone in its path. Cas was violently thrown backwards, and his head hit a wall.

Then everything went dark.


A/N- Short chap ik, but they'll get longer ! Also, if some updates are faster than others, it means I copied pasted them from my docs app because that's usually where I write when I have time.

And most likely I'll have to get an editor pretty soon, so there's that too, so that could make things a bit longer. Fortunately, I know one, so it should be pretty easy.

Anyhow, enjoy your day lovelies!

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